
Geraldine Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from Geraldine
“It’s still hard to fit into things. In the school play, I am Tree Number Two. And when we go camping, I get a LOT of fresh air.”
“Little by little, I think everyone forgets I was That Giraffe Girl, including me. Now Cassie and I still hide, but only when playing hide-and-seek.”
“Just think of it as a Grand Adventure!”
“I’m shy, which I never was before. It turns out when you are my height hiding is not easy. Even my voice tries to hide’ it’s gotten quiet and whispery.”
“But almost all of the time I know that I am more than That Giraffe Girl, I am the one and only Geraldine and I am Really Great.”
“I’m moving. It is the worst thing ever.”
″ ‘You know,’ she says to me, kind of quiet. ‘You are not just a giraffe. You’re Geraldine. You dance like crazy. You pretend so well, one time I thought you were the Queen of England.’ ”
“I learn two things before school even starts: One, I am definitely the only giraffe in this school. And two, flags make very good handkerchiefs.”
″ ‘You know, Cassie,’ I say one day. ‘You are not just some girl who does unusual stuff. You are Cassie! You make up fantabulous games! You’re nice!’ ”
“Geraldine, what did I tell you about being a drama queen?”
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