
Hobberdy Dick Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from Hobberdy Dick
“The house has changed hands and no longer belongs to the original family, and Dick isn’t too keen on the new owners. ”
“He does take a liking to the older son, though, and also a young maidservant.”
“Hobberdy Dick (a hobgoblin of a sort and a protector of the manor itself), the story gives us, at one point, a sweeping dale-sized overview of rural Oxfordshire at a time when a breach between the old ways and the new, Puritan ways were eschewing knowledge in its different forms.”
“Hobberdy Dick is the hobgoblin who protects Widford Manor and has for countless years. ”
“A hobgoblin is charged with the protection of an unloving Puritan family who come to live at an English manor in 1652.”
“Part love story, part ode to the old tales and part creepy ghost story, Hobberdy Dick, felt as if Briggs had cast all her knowledge of fey and folk throughout the centuries into a cauldron.”
“A young maidservant, who, it so happens, is the only living relative to the original inhabitant and therefore the rightful heir to the riches buried in the old stable...”
“Hobberdy Dick is the hobgoblin who protects Widford Manor and has for countless years.
“He is dismayed to learn that a new family is coming to his manor, a family with Puritan roots.”
“But he is determined to fix things up to his satisfaction as only a hobgoblin can do.”
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