
L.M, Montgomery Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from L.M, Montgomery
“Pat’s younger sister Rachel, aka Cuddles, demands that everyone call her Rae from now on, and leaves for college. Life at Silver Bush is no longer as pleasant as before, but Pat clings to her love of home desperately.”
“Unbeknownst to Pat, Rae has been sending letters to Pat’s childhood friend Hilary, embellishing news of Pat’s romantic conquests in hopes of making Hilary (whose boyhood love of Pat is unrequited) jealous enough to return.”
“Sid and May’s marriage is an extremely unhappy one, May making enemies of all her in-laws, alternately screaming, sulking, and throwing things.”
“Donald Holmes asks Pat to marry him but she refuses, and a former beau turned widower from Pat’s teen years also unsuccessfully asks for her hand. After finally deciding to visit her late friend Bets Wilcox’s former home, Pat stumbles across new neighbors David and Suzanne Kirk, brother and sister.”
“She takes solace in their easy friendship and becomes interested in David, an older widower. When he finally finds the chance to propose she accepts, contented with the thought of always watching over Silver Bush.”
“At twenty years old, Pat hates change as much as ever, and finds in Silver Bush a refuge where she is somewhat shielded from it, but changes happen nevertheless.”
″ In the course of eleven years, new servants, new neighbors, and new lovers come and go. Pat’s older brother, Sid, suddenly marries the loud and opinionated May Binnie after he is jilted by another woman.”
“The Gardiners consider the Binnie family to be of a lower class, and Pat and May have had an ongoing feud since childhood.”
“May and Sid live with the family at Silver Bush, with the equally inconsiderate Binnie family dropping in whenever they desire and making plans to take over Silver Bush.”
“Pat often wonders whether anything in life, like marriage or children, could be worth leaving Silver Bush behind. Joe Gardiner returns briefly and finally marries his long-time fiancée, while Rae marries and moves to China.”
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