
Me Before You Quotes

25 of the best book quotes from Me Before You
“You only get one life. It’s actually your duty to live it as fully as possible.”
“Push yourself. Don’t Settle.”
“I will never, ever regret the things I’ve done. Because most days, if you’re stuck in one of these, all you have are places in your memory that you can go to.”
“All I can say is that you make me... you make me into someone I couldn’t even imagine. You make me happy, even when you’re awful. I would rather be with you - even the you that you seem to think is diminished - than with anyone else in the world.”
“You can only actually help someone who wants to be helped.”
“I hadn’t realized that music could unlock things in you, could transport you to somewhere even the composer hadn’t predicted. It left an imprint in the air around you, as if you carried its remnants with you when you went.”
“You are scored on my heart, Clark. You were from the first day you walked in, with your ridiculous clothes and your bad jokes and your complete inability to ever hide a single thing you felt.”
“I thought, briefly, that I would never feel as intensely connected to the world, to another human being, as I did at that moment.”
“Do you know how hard it is to say nothing? When every atom of you strains to do the opposite? I had practiced not saying anything the whole way from the airport, and it was still nearly killing me.”
“It has been,” I told him, “the best six months of my entire life.” There was a long silence. “Funnily enough, Clark, mine too.” And then, just like that, my heart broke. My face crumpled, my composure went and I held him tightly and I stopped caring that he could feel the shudder of my sobbing body because grief swamped me. It overwhelmed me and tore at my heart and my stomach and my head and it pulled me under, and I couldn’t bear it.
“I know this isn’t a conventional love story. I know there are all sorts of reasons I shouldn’t even be saying what I am. But I love you. I do. I knew it when I left Patrick. And I think you might even love me a little bit.”
“If you’re going to wear a dress like that you need to wear it with confidence. You need to fill it mentally as well as physically.”
“You cut yourself off from all sorts of experiences because you tell yourself you are ‘not that sort of person.‘” “But, I’m not.” “How do you know? You’ve done nothing, been nowhere. How do you have the faintest idea what kind of person you are?”
“Sometimes, Clark, you are pretty much the only thing that makes me want to get up in the morning.”
“I let him know a hurt had been mended in a way that he couldn’t have known, and for that alone there would always be a piece of me indebted to him.”
“Challenge yourself a bit.”
“Just live well. Just live.”
“How could you live each day knowing that you were simply whiling away the days until your own death?”
“I am not plain, but I don’t think anyone is ever going to call me beautiful. I don’t have that graceful thing going on.”
“I held him close and said nothing, all the while telling him silently that he was loved. Oh, but he was loved.”
“I am conscious that knowing me has caused you pain, and grief, and I hope that one day when you are less angry with me and less upset you will see not just that I could only have done the thing that I did, but also that this will help you live a really good life, a better life, than if you hadn’t met me.”
“We are all part of some great cycle, some pattern that it was only God’s purpose to understand.”
“I worked out what would make me happy, and I worked out what I wanted to do, and I trained myself to do the job that would make those two things happen.”
“I just... want to be a man who has been to a concert with a girl in a red dress. Just for a few minutes more.”
“Astonishingly . . . not all girls get dressed just to please men.”
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