
mosquitoes Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about mosquitoes
“When asked what he recalls of his first six years, Michael said, ‘Going for days having to drink water to get full. Going to other people’s houses and asking for something to eat. Sleeping outside. The mosquitoes.‘”
“Then we go on to SNEE. Ans the SNEE is for Sneedle a terrible kind of ferocious mos-keedle who hum-dinger stinger is sharp as a needle.”
“There may be those who turn into vampires... like Stan, for example. Once when Stan was going to bite an old lady and suck her blood... one thousand mosquitoes came and bit him instead and sucked his blood!”
“But because of this the mosquito has a guilty conscience. To this day she goes about whining in people’s ears. ‘Zeee! Is everyone still angry at me?’ When she does that, she gets an honest answer.”
“Regrets don’t leave. They weren’t mosquito bites. They itch for ever.”
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