
water Quotes

91 of the best book quotes about water
I am haunted by waters.
“i am water soft enough to offer life tough enough to drown it away”
“Not the blood, sir. But all of a man’s water, ultimately, belongs to his people—to his tribe. It’s a necessity when you live near the Great Flat. All water’s precious there, and the human body is composed of some seventy percent water by weight. A dead man, surely, no longer requires that water”
“The action had taken, also, a knowledge of personal power. Water was, indeed, power here.”
In Brody’s dreams, deep water was populated by slimy, savage things that rose from below and shredded his flesh, by demons that cackled and moaned.
“How long can a fox go without food or water?”
“By and by all trace is gone, and what is forgotten is not only the footprints but the water too and what it is down there. The rest is weather.”
“Water must be thought of in terms of the chains of life it supports.”
“I looked through the clear water and saw the tracks of mussels in the mud. I ran along the log back to shore, took off my clothes, and plunged into that icy water. I collected almost a peck of mussels in very little time.”
“I must have walked a mile into the woods until I found a stream. It was a clear athletic stream that rushed and ran and jumped and splashed.”
“When asked what he recalls of his first six years, Michael said, ‘Going for days having to drink water to get full. Going to other people’s houses and asking for something to eat. Sleeping outside. The mosquitoes.‘”
“Deep down here by the dark water lived old Gollum, a small slimy creature. I don’t know where he came from, nor who or what he was. He was Gollum.”
“As a youngster I was frightened of the dark—used to wake up sobbing in it, as if it were water and I were drowning—but you will observe that I have disciplined myself so thoroughly against that fear, that I much prefer a dark to a lit room”
Our days consist of sand and water and sweat.
“I must not now employ a lengthened exhortation; pour forth all your might, so the occasion requires. Open your abodes, and, each obstacle removed, give full rein to your streams.”
“All around, as far as the eye could reach, were wastes of leaden water. The canoe was the moving center of a limitless circle of sea.”
“Alas, poor heart, that kiss is comfortless As frozen water to a starved snake.”
“Love and water brought back all her strength.”
“He well knew why He did, and what He meant. For in that fairest chain of love He bound Fire and air and water and the ground Of earth in certain limits they may not flee.”
“What business had you to pull me down out of the water, and throw me to the bottom of the air? I never did you any harm.”
“Clean water and health care and school and food and tin roofs and cement floors, all of these things should constitute a set of basics that people must have as birthrights.”
“The Christian says, ‘Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for those desires exists. A baby feels hunger: well, there is such a thing as food. A duckling wants to swim: well, there is such a thing as water. Men feel sexual desire: well, there is such a thing as sex.”
“The alarm shakes the bedside table. Without opening her eyes, Elisa feels for the clock’s ice-cold stopper. She’d been in a deep, soft, warm dream and wanted it back, one more tantalizing minute. But the dream eludes wakeful pursuit; it always does. There was water, dark water-that much she remembers. Tons of it, pressing at her, only she didn’t drown. She breathed inside it better, in fact, than she does here, in waking life, in drafty rooms, in cheap food, in sputtering electricity.”
“There is no lack of water here unless you try to establish a city where no city should be.”
“There is no shortage of water in the desert but exactly the right amount , a perfect ratio of water to rock, water to sand, insuring that wide free open, generous spacing among plants and animals, homes and towns and cities, which makes the arid West so different from any other part of the nation.”
“In many parts of this world water is Scarce and precious. People sometimes have to walk A great distance Then carry heavy jugs upon their heads. Because of our wisdom, we will travel far for love.”
“He needs water, the one who has just arrived, dry clothes, and a warm welcome from a friendly host--and if he can get it, a chance to listen and be listened to.”
“She looked neither left nor right for she had eyes only for the sweet grass, and before she knew it SHE FELL IN THE CANAL!”
″ Pete stepped in a bucket of water and all the brown, and all the blue, and all the red were washed away.”
“So they chose a cozy spot among the bushes near the water and settled down to build their nest.”
“A dog over the water. A dog under the water.”
“Where you going to find the honey? Here in the water? Now that seems funny.”
“Think of black water. Think up a white sky. Think up a boat. Think of BLOOGS blowing by.”
“Sophie found she couldn’t have her bath because the tiger had drunk all the water in the tap.”
“Frog and Toad jumped into the water. They swam all afternoon. Frog swam fast and made big splashes. Toad swam slowly and made smaller splashes.”
“Toad was getting colder and colder. He was beginning to shiver and sneeze. ‘I will have to come out of the water,’ said Toad. ‘I am catching a cold.’ ”
“The highest good is like that of water. The goodness of water is that it benefits the ten thousand creatures; yet itself does not scramble, but is content with the places that all men disdain.”
“The wind blew across the water, shattering the tips of the waves and shooting ice-sparklets north with the storm. ‘Kapugen!’ she called. No one answered. Kapugen was gone. The earth was empty and bleak.”
“I went to sleep with gum in my mouth and now there’s gum in my hair and when I got out of bed this morning I tripped on the skateboard and by mistake I dropped my sweater in the sink while the water was running and I could tell it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.”
“There is water everywhere you look. Perhaps it is not immediately apparent because it is not always a liquid; water can appear in many other forms. There is more water on the earth’s surface than anything else.”
“If there’s no water, I won’t be able to wash.”
“After recess, Treehorrn was thirsty, so he went down the hall to the water bubbler. He couldn’t reach it, and he tried to jump up high enough. He still couldn’t get a drink, but he kept jumping up and down, trying.”
“But I love your feet only because they walked upon the earth and upon the wind and upon the waters, until they found me.”
“Amos, a mouse, lived by the ocean. He loved the ocean. He loved the smell of sea air. He loved to hear the surf sounds- the bursting breakers, the backwashes with rolling pebbles. He thought a lot about the ocean, and he wondered about the faraway places on the other side of the water.”
“He decided to just keep afloat, treading water and hoping that something- who knows what? – would turn up to save him. But what if a shark, or some big fish, a horse mackerel, turned up? What was he supposed to do to protect himself? He didn’t know.”
“...a huge head burst through the surface of the water and loomed up over him. It was a whale. ‘What sort of fish are you?’ the whale asked. ‘You must be one of a kind!’ ‘I’m not a fish,’ said Amos. ‘I’m a mouse, which is a mammal, the highest form of life. I live on land.’ ‘Holy clam and cuttlefish!’ said the whale. ‘I’m a mammal myself, though I live in the sea. Call me Boris,’ he added.”
“And so it was that he was taken off guard as the little boat made its bid for freedom. Soothed by the sweetness of Mowzer’s serenade, the Great Storm-Cat paused in his prowling and pulled back his giant cat’s paw for a mere moment. Swiftly the little boat passed through the Mousehole and out into the open sea. Then the Great Storm-Cat played with them as a cat plays with a mouse. He would let them loose for a little as they fought their way towards the fishing grounds. Then down would come his giant cat’s paw in a flurry of foam and water. But he did not yet strike to sink them, for that would have spoiled his sport.”
“Topthorn, I noticed, always shook his head in the water before he started to drink so that alongside him I was showered all over my face and neck with cooling water.”
“Water, water, everywhere, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink.”
“Should we be told that it’s surely a miracle we reply Balderdash! Rubbish! Nonsense!”
“Water, water, everywhere, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink.”
“He looked into the water and saw that it was made up of a thousand thousand thousand and one different currents, each one a different colour, weaving in and out of one another like a liquid tapestry of breathtaking complexity;...”
“Water isn’t shaped like a river or ocean; it mists invisibly against metal and glass”
“Grandpa kept some of the fish they caught in a net in the water. Every evening Stina pulled it out of the water and chose a fish for dinner. It was always delicious.”
“The pig mucked about. The dog teased the cat. The cat chased the rabbit. The rabbit hopped. The children squabbled. The boat tipped…and into the water they fell.”
“Everyone’s going to remember where they were when the taps went dry, I think. Like when a president is assassinated.”
“Each cat took a sip of water, and the pond was gone!”
“And into Will’s mind, whirling him up on a wind blowing through and around the whole of Time, came the story of the Old Ones. He saw them from the beginning when magic was at large in the world; magic that was the power of rocks and fire and water and living things, so that the first men lived in it and with it, as a fish lives in the water.”
“You let go of everything and get ready and just dive. You can feel the seaweed against your legs. It’s brown, and the water’s clear, lighter towards the top, with lots of bubbles. And you glide. You hold your breath and glide and turn and come up, let yourself rise and breathe out. And then you float. Just float.”
“One morning a mosquito saw an iguana drinking at a waterhole. The mosquito said, ‘Iguana, you will never believe what I saw yesterday.’ ‘Try me,’ said the iguana. The mosquito said, ‘I saw a farmer digging yams that were almost as big as I am.’ ‘What’s a mosquito compared to a yam?’ snapped the iguana grumpily. ‘I would rather be deaf than listen to such nonsense!’ ”
“Water is used to put fires out. The water runs through the pipes under the street. The firemen attached a hose between the water hydrant and the pumper engine. The pumper engine got water from the hydrant and squirted it out through the hose nozzle.”
“The rain poured down in the night. The water’ll be coming up under the house. You’ve got to watch out for snakes this time of year. Chicky, my littlest sister, starts to tease. ‘Sharyn’s got the hots for you, na na nanaa na!’ She races back to the girls’ room.”
″ ‘Daddy!’ calls Alfie. ‘We forgot to brush my teeth.’ Daddy comes. He has brought a toothbrush and a glass of water. Alfie brushes his teeth. Tonight he brushes them extra carefully. Every tooth gets clean.”
“Oops! He’s accidentally spilled the last drops of water on the bed. Or did he spill it on purpose?”
“Now daddy has read a story, gotten the toothbrush, brought a drink, changed the sheet on the bed, cleaned up the water, brought the potty, looked for a lion, found teddy, and gotten very tired.”
“Princess! youngest princess! Open the door for me! Do you not know what you said to me yesterday by the cool waters of the well? Princess, youngest princess! Open the door for me!”
“Draw a pail of water; For my lady’s daughter; My father’s a king, and my mother’s a queen, My two little sisters are dressed in green, Stamping grass and parsley; Marigold leaves and daisies.”
“The Potkoorok stirred. Its golden eyes gleamed. It slid like a ripple through the water, watching the boy. It waited while he explored the edges, examining brilliant green moss with air-bubbles trapped in it. It waited while he scooped up tiny slate-blue tadpoles and examined them and let them go. It waited till he stepped into deeper water; then it curled a coldness round his ankle, slithering like an eel.”
“Soon I felt water around my ankles. Then it washed to my knees. It would go back and then crash against us again. Timothy was taking the full blows of the storm, sheltering me with his body. When the water receded, it would tug at us, and Timothy’s strength would fight against it. I could feel the steel in his arms as the water tried to suck us away.”
“He crossed to the far bank, shuddering with cold but walking slow and erect as he should through that icy, living water. As he came to the bank Ogion, waiting, reached out his hand and clasping the boy’s arm whispered to him his true name: Ged.”
“And so they swam in the cool morning water and in the midday sun and chased the big fish away.”
“Oh my Lord There’s so much to do Tomorrow I think I’ll pour a pitcher of water down the mail chute”
“She picked up a jug of warm water which a housemaid had just brought, and dashed it full in the face of her new instructress. Miss Slighcarp reeled under the impact- her bonnet came off; so did her gray hair, which, apparently, was a wig, leaving her bald, dripping, and livid with rage.”
“Everything was delicious- outside and inside him. Nothing to dread anymore- no doors closed in his mind against thoughts and fears that made him sicken and tremble- it was all good, the sun, the water, Flicka, his father- ”
“There’s a responsibility we have toward animals. We use them. We shut them up, keep their natural food and water away from them; that means we have to feed and water them. Take away their freedom away, rope them, harness them, that means we have to supply a different sort of safety for them. Once I’ve put a rope on a horse, or taken away its ability to take care of itself, then I’ve got to take care of it.”
“And even the children giggled and pushed closer to see this Wolf, who had sailed on every sea man knew, yet hated the very thought of water touching his tender skin.”
“Mrs. Moss had always distrusted the river, not for herself, but because she was afraid of her children falling in. The only one who had done so, years ago, was David’s elder brother Dick; the falling in had had no special effect upon him, unless perhaps it had given him a taste for water- he was in the Navy now.”
″‘Why is it,’ asked Sandra, exasperated, ‘that whenever you go near water you get your feet wet?’ ‘I suppose my feet are attractive to water.’
“And so the original water fear was born with Tarka, whose mind had to overlay a weak instinct with habit, just as his ancestors had done when he was hungry.”
“The noise of the great waters filled Tarka with joy. A log rolled in front of him, and he scrambled on it, to jump off again with happy cries.”
At the Seaside When I was down beside the sea A wooden spade they gave to me To dig the sandy shore, My holes were empty like a cup, In every hole the sea came up Till it could come no more
“If you were a cloud, and sailed up there, You’d sail on the water as blue as air. And you’d see me here in the fields and say: “Doesn’t the sky look green today?”
“You see, in Holland there are a great many canals. They cross the fields like roadways of water, and that is what they really are.”
“Blinky Bill had water from the stream sprinkled on his head, much to his surprise, and the ceremony ended without any more interruptions. He was carried home again on his mother’s back, feeling very important after all the fuss and petting.”
“And while Mr. Jeremy sat disconsolately on the edge of his boat- sucking his sore fingers and peering down into the water- a much worse thing happened; a really frightful thing it would have been, if Mr. Jeremy had not been wearing a macintosh!”
“A chilly breeze rippled the dark water and the soggy wet bear shivered and shook from the cold and also from fright. Bruce knew that the night hunters were already out on the prowl, and now he was fair game.”
“Mr. Jeremy put on a macintosh, and a pair of shiny goloshes; he took his rod and basket, and set off with enormous hops to the place where he kept his boat. The boat was round and green, and very like the other lily-leaves. It was tied to a water-plant in the middle of the pond. Mr. Jeremy took a reed pole, and pushed the boat out into the open water.”
“With them there is nothing like the Browns, to the third and fourth generation. ‘Blood is thicker than water,’ is one of their pet sayings. They can’t be happy unless they are always meeting one another.”
“Once upon a time there was a frog called Mr. Jeremy Fisher; he lived in a little damp house amongst the buttercups at the edge of a pond. The water was all slippery-sloppy in the larder and in the back passage. But Mr. Jeremy liked getting his feet wet; nobody ever scolded him, and he never caught a cold!”
“Of course, the trouble with water is that one bit of it looks pretty much like the next bit. I don’t know if that had occurred to you.”
Source: Chapter 16, Line 61
“The mid-ocean shall take it from my hand, and swallow it up forever!”
Source: Chapter 19, Paragraph 28

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