
to bite Quotes

12 of the best book quotes about to bite
“It is only dogs that never bite their masters.”
“A wakeful flea who bites the mouse, who scares the cat, who claws the dog, who thumps the child, who bumps the granny, who breaks the bed, in the napping house, where no one now is sleeping.”
“The monster bit Bernard’s father. ‘Not now, Bernard,’ said Bernard’s father.”
“Dave’s baby brother, Joe, liked hard things. He liked putting them in his mouth and biting on them because he was getting teeth.”
“Emergency Five- Being Choked by a Boa Constrictor. When you were being strangled by a boa constrictor, Ezzie had said, what you had to do was taunt the boa constrictor and get him to bite you instead of strangle you.”
″ ‘There is a tiger in my room,’ said Frances. ‘Did it bite you?’ said Father. ‘No’, said Frances. ‘Dd he scratch you?’ said Mother. ‘No,’ said Frances. ‘Then he is a friendly tiger’, said Father. ‘He will not hurt you. Go back to sleep.’ ”
“He took a bite of sandwich,a bite of pickle, a bite of hardboiled egg, and a drink of milk. Then he sprinkled more salt on the egg and went around again. Albert made the sandwich, the pickle, the gg, and the milk come out even.”
“There may be those who turn into vampires... like Stan, for example. Once when Stan was going to bite an old lady and suck her blood... one thousand mosquitoes came and bit him instead and sucked his blood!”
“They reached the lifts and, naturally, had to wait for one. Bryce would have preferred to climb the stairs. He folded his arms, ‘I wouldn’t rely too much on them being scared of us. They might be, but -it’s like hoping a ferret won’t bite you because it’s scared, when truth is, the more scared a ferret is, the more likely it is to bite you.‘”
“Let dogs delight to bark and bite. For God hath made them so; Let bears and lions growl and fight: For ‘tis their nature to. But children you should never let Such angry passions rise; Your little hands were never made To tear each others eyes.”
“Mr. Jeremy shoved the boat out again a little way, and dropped the bait. There was a bite almost directly; the float gave a tremendous bobbit! ‘A minnow! a minnow! I have him by the nose!’ cried Mr. Jeremy Fisher, jerking up his rod. But what a horrible surprise! Instead of a smooth fat minnow, Mr. Jeremy landed little Jack Sharp the stickleback, covered with spines!”
Mymble says, ‘Quick, let’s go. She’ll bite.’ And Moomintroll says, ‘Yes, quite right. Perhaps your sister’s in this cave?’ They tiptoe in. They must be brave. And find poor little My somehow.”
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