
Mr. Laurence Quotes

12 of the best book quotes from Mr. Laurence
“You’ve got your grandfather’s spirit, if you haven’t his face. He was a fine man, my dear, but what is better, he was a brave and an honest one, and I was proud to be his friend.”
Source: Chapter 5, Line 83
He liked Jo, for her odd, blunt ways suited him, and she seemed to understand the boy almost as well as if she had been one herself.
Source: Chapter 5, Line 99
Let him do what he likes, as long as he is happy. He can’t get into mischief in that little nunnery over there, and Mrs. March is doing more for him than we can.
Source: Chapter 6, Line 3
If you will believe me, she went and knocked at the study door before she gave herself time to think, and when a gruff voice called out, “come in!” she did go in, right up to Mr. Laurence, who looked quite taken aback, and held out her hand, saying, with only a small quaver in her voice, “I came to thank you, sir, for...” But she didn’t finish, for he looked so friendly that she forgot her speech and, only remembering that he had lost the little girl he loved, she put both arms round his neck and kissed him.
Source: Chapter 6, Line 42
The P. O. was a capital little institution, and flourished wonderfully, for nearly as many queer things passed through it as through the real post office. Tragedies and cravats, poetry and pickles, garden seeds and long letters, music and gingerbread, rubbers, invitations, scoldings, and puppies. The old gentleman liked the fun, and amused himself by sending odd bundles, mysterious messages, and funny telegrams, and his gardener, who was smitten with Hannah’s charms, actually sent a love letter to Jo’s care. How they laughed when the secret came out, never dreaming how many love letters that little post office would hold in the years to come.
Source: Chapter 10, Line 86
“I’ll let my castle go, and stay with the dear old gentleman while he needs me, for I am all he has.”
Source: Chapter 13, Line 93
“She felt so ill one day that she told Jo she wanted to give her piano to Meg, her cats to you, and the poor old doll to Jo, who would love it for her sake. She was sorry she had so little to give, and left locks of hair to the rest of us, and her best love to Grandpa.”
Source: Chapter 19, Line 52
“Don’t talk that way, turn over a new leaf and begin again, Teddy, my son.”
Source: Chapter 21, Line 116
“Bless the boys and girls! What torments they are, yet we can’t do without them,” he said, pinching her cheeks good-humoredly.
Source: Chapter 21, Line 107
“You are rather too kind sometimes, and then just a trifle hasty when he tries your patience.”
Source: Chapter 21, Line 101
Up he got, groped his way to the piano, laid a kind hand on either of the broad shoulders, and said, as gently as a woman, “I know, my boy, I know.”
Source: Chapter 36, Line 63
“I’m going into business with a devotion that shall delight Grandfather, and prove to him that I’m not spoiled. I need something of the sort to keep me steady. I’m tired of dawdling, and mean to work like a man.”
Source: Chapter 45, Paragraph 8
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