
relationship conflict Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about relationship conflict
“You are rather too kind sometimes, and then just a trifle hasty when he tries your patience.”
Source: Chapter 21, Line 101
Amy rose daily in the estimation of her friend, but he sank in hers, and each felt the truth before a word was spoken. Amy tried to please, and succeeded, for she was grateful for the many pleasures he gave her, and repaid him with the little services to which womanly women know how to lend an indescribable charm. Laurie made no effort of any kind, but just let himself drift along as comfortably as possible, trying to forget, and feeling that all women owed him a kind word because one had been cold to him.
Source: Chapter 40, Line 1
“After all the disclosures which were made this morning, M. Noirtier de Villefort must see the utter impossibility of any alliance being formed between his family and that of M. Franz d’Épinay. M. d’Épinay must say that he is shocked and astonished that M. de Villefort, who appeared to be aware of all the circumstances detailed this morning, should not have anticipated him in this announcement.”
Source: Chapter 78, Paragraph 2
You and me is not two figures to be together in London; nor yet anywhere else but what is private, and beknown, and understood among friends.
Source: Chapter 27, Paragraph 64
“Would it be weakness to return my love?” exclaimed Miss Havisham. “But yes, yes, she would call it so!”
Source: Chapter 38, Paragraph 52
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