
preserving dignity Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about preserving dignity
“Though the captives’ resistance was dangerous, through such acts, dignity was preserved and through dignity, life itself.”
“Pardon me? Is that really what she said? These men burst into our home at night, slam her into the mirror-and she asks them to pardon her?”
“Money dignifies what is frivolous if unpaid for. It might still be well to sneer at “blue stockings with an itch for scribbling,” but it could not be denied that they could put money in their purses.”
“About all he had left at this point was his tremendous dignity . . . Ten children and a lot of hard luck had worn him down, had worn away most of the arrogance he came to this country with. But he still had dignity, and he would not let those deputies push him out the door. He led them.”
“The Beautiful exists just as little as the True. In every case it is a question of the conditions of preservation of a certain type of man: thus the herd-man will experience the value feeling of the True in different things than will the Overman.”
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