
quickly Quotes

Seven of the best book quotes about quickly
“Old Tom grew up very quickly. In fact, it wasn’t long before he outgrew his playpen. And when he did, Angela gave him the spare room. It was all clean and neat.”
″ ‘That’s the breakdown train,’ he said. ‘When there’s an accident, the workmen get into the coach and the engine takes them quickly to help the hurt people and to clear and mend the line. The cranes are for lifting heavy things like engines and coaches and freight cars.’ ”
“You are most happy when your days pass quickest, and that is only the case when you have plenty to do. Here you are in peace and safety; and may it please God that you may continue so!
From the strength of her own grief and her desperation over how quickly people fall back into their everyday routines as soon as they have overcome their first panic, Janna-Berta develops an enormous will to resist “normalcy”.
“Cold had come all right; you could see it as well as feel it. He turned quickly and trotted for the barn, eyeing the lower meadow as he went, dark-patched with ironweed, where the little frame chicken house stood looking shabby and frail.”
“The boys are elated until they accidentally start a fire that quickly gets out of control in the dry underbrush.”
“As surely and quickly as you saw that the young woman’s hair is dark, you knew she is angry. Furthermore, what you saw extended into the future. You sensed that this woman is about to say some very unkind words, probably in a loud and strident voice.”
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