
spots Quotes

Seven of the best book quotes about spots
“She’s mean enough to scare the spots off a pup!”
“In desperation Bruce scrunched himself up into a ball, hoping the witch would mistake him for part of the rock. But there was no chance of fooling old Roxy, and holding her lantern out over the creek she spotted the bear in a flash.”
“Doctor De Soto stepped into the foxes mouth with a bucket of secret formula and proceeded to paint each tooth. He hummed as he worked. Mrs. De Soto stood by on the ladder, pointing out spots he had missed. He fox looked very happy.”
“Jess’ parents are worried, though. Before they left, Jess’ grandfather had a heart attack. He insisted on being let out of the hospital in order to go on vacation, but their vacation spot is so secluded, they worry he will have another heart attack and won’t be able to get to a hospital again in time.”
“His family combed and brushed him lovingly, and he became once again a white dog with black spots.”
“In fact, he changed from a white dog with black spots to a black dog with white spots”
“Harry was a white dog with black spots who liked everything, except...getting a bath”
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