
being happy Quotes

74 of the best book quotes about being happy
“Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon.”
“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
“Oh for heaven’s sake! Listen to me, all of you! You’ve got just as much right as wizards to be unhappy! You’ve got the right to wages and holidays and proper clothes, you don’t have to do everything you’re told — look at Dobby!”
“Chin up, chin up. Everybody loves a happy face.”
“One of the illusions is that the present hour is not the critical, decisive hour. Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. No man has learned anything rightly until he knows that every day is Doomsday.”
“She was convinced that she could have been happy with him, when it was no longer likely they should meet.”
“Sure is a cheerful color. Guess I’ll have to get used to it.”
“I would always rather be happy than dignified.”
“Later she remembered all the hours of the afternoon as happy -- one of those uneventful times that seem at the moment only a link between past and future pleasure, but turn out to have been the pleasure itself.”
“If you wish to be happy, Eragon, think not of what is to come nor of that which you have no control over but rather of the now and that which you are able to change.”
“Rejoice in thy youth,” said the sunbeam; “rejoice in thy fresh growth, and the young life that is in thee.”
“Rejoice with us,” said the air and the sunlight. “Enjoy thine own bright life in the fresh air.” But the tree would not rejoice, though it grew taller every day; and, winter and summer, its dark-green foliage might be seen in the forest, while passers by would say, “What a beautiful tree!”
Far down in the forest, where the warm sun and the fresh air made a sweet resting-place, grew a pretty little fir-tree; and yet it was not happy, it wished so much to be tall like its companions— the pines and firs which grew around it.
The more he talked the more he remembered, and then he thought to himself, “Those were happy days, but they may come again. Humpty Dumpty fell down stairs, and yet he married the princess; perhaps I may marry a princess too.” And the fir-tree thought of the pretty little birch-tree that grew in the forest, which was to him a real beautiful princess.
“I know nothing of that place,” said the fir-tree, “but I know the wood where the sun shines and the birds sing.” And then the tree told the little mice all about its youth. They had never heard such an account in their lives; and after they had listened to it attentively, they said, “What a number of things you have seen? you must have been very happy.”
“Only one,” replied the fir-tree; “I heard it on the happiest evening of my life; but I did not know I was so happy at the time.”
So the tree was completely hidden from sight as if it had never existed. “It is winter now,” thought the tree, “the ground is hard and covered with snow, so that people cannot plant me. I shall be sheltered here, I dare say, until spring comes. How thoughtful and kind everybody is to me! Still I wish this place were not so dark, as well as lonely, with not even a little hare to look at. How pleasant it was out in the forest while the snow lay on the ground, when the hare would run by, yes, and jump over me too, although I did not like it then. Oh! it is terrible lonely here.”
It thought of its fresh youth in the forest, of the merry Christmas evening, and of the little mice who had listened to the story of “Humpty Dumpty.” “Past! past!” said the old tree; “Oh, had I but enjoyed myself while I could have done so! but now it is too late.”
I must learn to brook being happier than I deserve.
″‘We’ll see you soon, though,’ said her other father. ‘When you come back.’ ‘Um,’ said Coraline. ‘And then we’ll all be together as one big, happy family,’ said her other mother. ‘For ever and always.‘”
He actually caught himself saying things like “Yippee,” as he pranced ridiculously round the house.
“Come to think of it, Idgie and Ruth bought the café in 1929, right in the height of the Depression…but at the café, those Depression years come back to me now as the happy times, even though we were all struggling. We were happy and didn’t know it.”
“Idgie smiled back (...) and looked up into the clear blue sky that reflected in her eyes, and she was as happy as anybody who is in love in the summertime can be.”
“It is so happy to love,’ and her pale, sallow cheeks suddenly glowed pink and her eyes shown. For a moment Much-Afraid did not look afraid at all.”
“When we are such as He can love without impediment, we shall in fact be happy.”
“If you stop trying to make yourself more than you are, out of fear that you are less than you are, whoever you really are will be a lot lighter and happier and easier to live with, too.”
“The demand of the loveless and the self-imprisoned that they should be allowed to blackmail the universe: that till they consent to be happy (on their own terms) no one else shall taste joy: that theirs should be the final power; that Hell should be able to veto Heaven.”
“Happy is he who has the pure truth in him. He will regret no sacrifice that keeps it.”
“Actually, he had always preferred the unreal to the real. Just as he felt better at demonstrations (which, as I have pointed out, are all playacting and dreams) than in a lecture hall full of students, so he was happier with Sabina the invisible goddess than the Sabina who had accompanied him throughout the world and whose love he constantly feared losing.”
“Look, Son, if there’s one thing I’ve figured out about life, it’s that if you want to be happy, you have to learn how to be happy on your own.”
“Promise yourself to be too large for worry, too noble for anger, and too strong for fear, and to happy to permit the presence of trouble.”
“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”
“For the first time, instead of ‘pretend’ grades that teachers would give me because they weren’t quite sure if I knew the answer or not, I get real grades recorded in the teachers’ grade book that are based on actual answers I’ve given. Printed out and everything!”
“You deserve someone who loves you with every single beat of his heart, someone who thinks about you constantly, someone who spends every minute of every day just wondering what you’re doing, where you are, who you’re with, and if you’re OK. You need someone who can help you reach your dreams and who can protect you from your fears. You need someone who will treat you with respect, love every part of you, especially your flaws. You should be with someone who can make you happy, really happy, dancing on air happy.”
“A way of life that keeps saying ‘Around the next corner, above the next step,’ works against the natural order of things and makes it so difficult to be happy and good.”
“Are we then to call no man happy while he lives, and, as Solon would have us, look to the end? And again, if we are to maintain this position, is a man then happy when he is dead?”
“For as it is not one swallow or one fine day that makes a spring, so it is not one day or a short time that makes a man blessed and happy. ”
“Aziraphale relaxed. ‘You know, Crowley,’ he said, beaming, ‘I’ve always said that, deep down inside, you’re really quite a—’ ‘All right, all right,’ Crowley snapped. ‘Tell the whole blessed world, why don’t you?‘”
“Sometimes I think all the trouble in the world is caused by men. If there were no men, women would always be happy.”
“The most important thing in life, and you can’t tell whether people have it or not. Surely this is wrong? Surely people who are happy should look happy, at all times, no matter how much money they have or how uncomfortable their shoes are or how little their child is sleeping; and people who are doing OK but have still not found their soul-mate should look, I don’t know, anxious, like Billy Crystal in When Harry Met Sally; and people who are desperate should wear something, a yellow ribbon maybe, which would allow them to be identified by similar desperate people. ”
“As more and more footage rolls, showing the marble façade of the courthouse explode into dust or a diamondglass wall withstanding a fireball, part of me feels happy. The Silvers are not invincible. They have enemies, enemies who can hurt them, and for once, they aren’t hiding behind a Red shield.”
“What we have now makes me happy. And I can live in that happy, and feel safe there, knowing that even if things change, I’ll always have had this.”
“Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.”
“You ought to be very happy at having got away from those demons, and instead of that I never saw you so gloomy. There must be something more.”
“But instead of being afraid, she felt more than happy—perfectly blissful.”
“Be happy -- if you’re not even happy, what’s so good about surviving?”
“Be happy now, without reason - or you never will be at all.”
“‘This,’ Malorie says, placing a bloodied hand on the Girl’s head, ‘this is Olympia.’ The Girl looks at Malorie quickly. She blushes. She smiles. She likes it. ‘And this,’ Malorie says, pressing the Boy to her body, ‘is Tom.’ He grins, shy and happy.”
“Are you happy here?” I said at last. He considered this for a moment. “Not particularly,” he said. “But you’re not very happy where you are, either.”
“Many people only see happiness in their future.”
“Happiness is answering your calling.”
“This is what I was born for. It’s what I’ve lived my life for. I am chosen. I am blessed. And I am happy.”
“Happiness is feeling completely alive.”
“Fear is an impediment to happiness.”
“The demand of the loveless and the self-imprisoned that they should be allowed to blackmail the universe: that till they consent to be happy (on their own terms) no one else shall taste joy: that theirs should be the final power; that Hell should be able to veto Heaven.”
“When you’re unhappy, you get to pay a lot of attention to yourself. And you get to take yourself oh so very seriously. Your truly happy people, which is to say, your people who truly like themselves, they don’t think about themselves very much.”
“The Gracehoper was always jigging ajog, hoppy on akkant of his joyicity.”
“He looked down and saw his friend, the man with the big yellow hat! George was very happy. The man was happy too.”
“Babar kisses the Old Lady good-bye. He would be quite happy to go if it were not for leaving her. He promises to come back some day. He will never forget her.”
“Lilly ran and skipped and hopped and flew all the way home, she was so happy. And she really did want to be a teacher when she grew up-- That is, when she didn’t want to be a dancer or a surgeon or an ambulance driver or a diva or a pilot or a hairdresser or a scuba diver...”
“The festivities are over, night has fallen, the stars have risen in the sky. King Babar and Queen Celeste are indeed very happy. Now the world is asleep. The guests have gone home, happy, though tired from too much dancing. They will long remember this great celebration.”
“The fact that a tiny little creature like me had caused such a commotion among a bunch of grown-up men gave me a happy feeling. ”
“I’m happy my antlers can be of some use. There’s room there to spare, and I’m happy to share! Be my guest and I hope that you’re comfortable there!”
“That night Frog and Toad were both happy when they each turned out the light and went to bed.”
“With that, Miyax became Julie. She was given a cot near the door in Martha’s little house and was soon walking to school in the darkness. She liked to learn the printed English words in books, and so a month passed rather happily.”
“Doctor De Soto stepped into the foxes mouth with a bucket of secret formula and proceeded to paint each tooth. He hummed as he worked. Mrs. De Soto stood by on the ladder, pointing out spots he had missed. He fox looked very happy.”
“For a little while, they all went along happily but then…The goat kicked. The calf trampled. The chickens flapped. The sheep bleated.”
“But Alfie doesn’t care about the ball anymore. He is so happy that the little boy is okay. He just wants him to be happy.”
″ ‘That was a great shot’, says the little boy. ‘The best and longest anyone has kicked on our street.’ ‘Do you really think so?’ says Alfie? Now he is happy, too.”
“He has not the faintest idea that I am ugly and we are very happy together.”
“there was Little Yellow! Happily they hugged each other and hugged each other until they were green”
“I am a little giddy, but that’s not the point, I am so sad, so sad... like a woman. Look, what’s that? Look, look!”
Source: Chapter 15, Paragraph 137

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