“If a dog is to have a hiding, and has never been knows to steal again. I gave it to him at once, directly after the crime had been committed. If a dog is to have a hiding, give it to him immediately after the ofence; then he knows and understands what it is for.”
Way home follows a young boy called Shane and a stray cat that Shane has decided to home. During their journey home, Shane and the cat experience many dangerous encounters such as a gang of lads and a dog.
“So what does Ben do? He imagines a dog so small that only he can see it, play with it and care for it. But in becoming so engrossed in imagining this creature, Ben loses touch with the real world and a tragic accident happens which calls on the family to consider everyone’s futures.”
“I have a dog that looks like a cat. His name is Weenie. Sometimes I put sunglasses on him. I have a turtle. His name is Skipperdee. He eats raisins and wears sneakers. The Plaza is the only hotel in New York that will allow you to have a turtle.”