
The 18th Emergency Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from The 18th Emergency
“Ezzie said every jungle emergency had a simple solution.”
“Emergency Four- Crocodile Attack. When attacked by a crocodile, prop a stick in its mouth and the crocodile is helpless.”
“Marv Hammerman would look at them, sizing them up, the two of them, this duo his mother had created for strength. Then with a faint smile Hammerman would reach out, grab them up like cymbals and clang them together.”
″‘I know you did something. I can always tell. Now, what happened?’ ‘Nothing, Mom. I didn’t do anything.‘”
“Emergency Five- Being Choked by a Boa Constrictor. When you were being strangled by a boa constrictor, Ezzie had said, what you had to do was taunt the boa constrictor and get him to bite you instead of strangle you.”
″‘If it makes you feel any better,’ his mother said, ‘Teddy Roosevelt had the same problem. I saw it on television. Boys used to pick on him and chase him.’ ‘No, it doesn’t,’ he said.”
“He was lonely. I, Mouse Fawley, do hereby swear that I feel lonely.”
″‘Some boys are going to kill me.’ ‘Not kill you, Benjie,’ she said. ‘No one is-’ He glanced quickly at her. ‘Well, how do I know what they’re going to do?‘”
“Emergency Three- Unexpected Charge of an Enraged Bull. Bulls have a blind spot in the center of their vision, so when being charged by a bull, you try to line yourself up with their blind spot.”
“Emergency Two- Attack by an Unfriendly Lion. Lion attack, Ezzie claimed, was an everyday occurrence in the jungle. What you had to do to survive was wait until the last moment, until the lion was upon you, and then you had to ram your arm all the way down the lion’s throat.”
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