
The Cricket in Times Square Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from The Cricket in Times Square
“I thought cats and mice were enemies.”
“Good luck is coming your way. Be ready.”
“It made him feel better to think that there was one familiar thing, twinkling above him, amid so much that was new and strange.”
“He’s already been taught by the greatest teacher of all, Mario—Nature herself. She gave him wings to rub together and the instinct to make such lovely sounds. I could add nothing to the genius of this little black Orpheus.”
“It wouldn’t be fair to Mario. I’ll just have to serve out the time.”
“Whenever mice are spoken of, never let it be said that Tucker Mouse was stingy with his worldly goods.”
“I guess I’m just feeling Septemberish. It’s getting toward autumn now. And it’s so pretty up in Connecticut. All the trees change color. The days get very clear—with a little smoke on the horizon from burning leaves. Pumpkins begin to come out.”
“And for a few minutes, while the song lasted, Times Square was as still as a meadow at evening, with the sun streaming in on the people there and the wind moving among them as if they were only tall blades of grass.”
“Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought of the bygone times, and very softly she began to murmur the words to the song.”
“He was beginning to enjoy life in New York.”
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