
The Three Railway Engine Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from The Three Railway Engine
“They found Gordon halfway up the hill and very cross. His Driver and Fireman were talking to him severely. ‘You are not trying!’ they told him. ‘I can’t do it,’ said Gordon. ‘The noise freight cars hold an engine back so.”
“Away went Edward to get some coaches. ‘Be careful, Edward,’ said the coaches, ‘don’t bump and bang us like the other engines do. So Edward came up to the coaches very, very gently, and the shunter fastened the coupling.”
“So the people got in quickly, and Edward waited happily for the Guard to blow his whistle and wave his green flag. He waited and waited_there was not whistle, no green flag. ‘Peep, peep, peep, peep_where is that Guard?’ Edward was getting anxious.”
“Edward had not been out for a long time; he began to feel sad. Just then the Driver and Fireman came along to start work. The Driver looked at Edward. ‘Why are you sad?’ he asked. ‘Would you like to come out today?”
‘Thank you, Edward,’ said the coaches. ‘That was kind, we are glad you are taking us today.’ Then they went to the station, where the people were waiting. ‘Peep, peep,’ whistled Edward _′get in quickly, please.”
“Just then the little boy shouted, ‘Here he comes!’ And there the Guard was, running down the hill with his flags in one hand and a sandwich in the other.”
“I’m going out again tomorrow,′ he told the other engines that night in the Shed. ‘What do you think of that?’ But he didn’t hear what they thought, for he was to tired and happy that he fell asleep at once.”
“Edward puffed off. He did have a happy day. All the children ran to wave as he went past, and he met old friend at all the stations. He worked so hard that the Driver promised to take him out again the next day.”
“Then he would stop and the silly freight cars would go bump into each other. “oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! they cried again. Edward pushed them until they were running nicely, and when they weren’t expecting it, he would stop.”
“Presently he heard a whistle. Gordon came puffing along, very slowly, and very crossly. Instead of nice shining coaches, he was pulling a lot of very dirty coal cars.”
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