
vegetables Quotes

Six of the best book quotes about vegetables
“Christopher learns all about the different fruits, berries and vegetables growing in his garden, and makes lots of new friends who promise to always play with him.”
″‘You is trying to change the subject,’ the Giant said sternly. ‘We is having an interesting babblement about the taste of the human bean. The human bean is not a vegetable.‘”
“They ate up the few vegetables that were left in their storm-wracked gardens. They ate up the salted pilchards that were left in the cellars. Mowzer hated vegetables and the pilchards were took salty for her taste. Soon there was nothing left. The cats and their people grew very hungry.”
“By the end of August she has discovered that even vegetables can be interesting, if you approach them in the right way.”
″‘You’re right, ma’am,’ I sez. ‘They’re hungry all right, as you’ll learn to your sorrow,’ I sez, ‘when them vegetables come up.‘”
“You cannot live on vegetable food solely, for it furnishes nothing to make bones with;”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 15
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