
wailing Quotes

Six of the best book quotes about wailing
“Wail no more, let sorrow rest, All is ordered for the best.”
“Eternity felt very big and very slow, especially when I couldn’t share it with the cat. The only thing that helped was the chain saw that Waldemar Buck used to carve up the afternoon. It wailed over the rooftops, and I imagined that with each wail a little piece of eternity fell from heaven.”
“As she listened to his wailing, Mowzer felt a sudden strange sadness for him. How lonely he must be, she thought, endlessly hunting the men-mice in the deeps of darkness, and never returning to the rosy glow of a red-hot range. And her kind heart was moved to comfort him.”
“Off with a yowl a wail and howl, a scatter of paws and a clatter of claws…straight back home to bed”
“The room was misery and chaos: small babies wailing, parents huddling their bodies round their children to keep them warm enough to breathe. Will rubbed his chill hands together, and tried to feel his feet and his face through the numbness of cold. The room was becoming colder and colder, and from the freezing world outside there was no sound even of the wind. ”
Little Spook invites the Prince to investigate some strange noises in the castle. It turns out that all the wailing and screaming belongs to Little Spook’s baby sister who is very good at mimicking the noises she hears.
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