
hunting Quotes

63 of the best book quotes about hunting
“I went to a hunting party once, I didn’t like it. Terrible people. They all started hunting me!”
“To kill a naked cub is shame. Besides, he may make better sport for you when he is grown.”
“His face white in the moonlight, his hands raised in horror, glaring helplessly at the frightful thing which was hunting him down.”
If you wish to catch a rabbit you put a ferret into the hole, and if the rabbit is there he runs.
“His mind was crowded with memories; memories of the knowledge that had come to them when they closed in on the struggling pig, knowledge that they had outwitted a living thing, imposed their will upon it, taken away its life like a long satisfying drink.”
“Which is better—to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill?”
Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.
“There is a patience of the wild—dogged, tireless, persistent as life itself—that holds motionless for endless hours the spider in its web, the snake in its coils, the panther in its ambuscade; this patience belongs peculiarly to life when it hunts its living food.”
“I forget the rest of the gym and the victors and how miserable I am and lose myself in the shooting. When I manage to take down five birds in one round, I realize it’s so quiet I can hear each one hit the floor. I turn and see the majority of the victors have stopped to watch me. Their faces show everything from envy to hatred to admiration.”
We stalk the Force like hunters, rather than surrender like prey to its enigmatic whims.
“Heart pounding, adrenaline burning through me, everyone is my enemy. Except Gale. My hunting partner, the person who has my back. There’s nothing to do but move forward, killing whoever come into our path.”
“Stories are the wildest things of all, the monster rumbled. Stories chase and bite and hunt.”
“He seized his weapon, which the panther and lion fells in the night time cruelly. He captured the wild mountain goats. The panther he conquered.”
“My whole life has been one prolonged hunt.”
“Hunters will tell you that a moose is a wily and ferocious forest creature. Nonsense. A moose is a cow drawn by a three-year-old.”
“The best sport in the world.”
“Simply this: hunting had ceased to be what you call `a sporting proposition.′ It had become too easy. I always got my quarry. Always. There is no greater bore than perfection.”
“Even so, I rather think they understand one thing—fear. The fear of pain and the fear of death.”
“And hunting, remember, had been my life. I have heard that in America businessmen often go to pieces when they give up the business that has been their life.”
“You see, I read all books on hunting published in English, French, and Russian. I have but one passion in my life, Mr. Rainsford, and it is the hunt.”
“Then the thought of killing a wild boar in single-handed combat struck him dumb with wonder. Why, he would never have dreamed such a thing in Hikueru! He was Mafatu, the Boy Who Was Afraid.”
“You see, when you’re hunting for the glad things, you sort of forget the other kind.”
“They would remain until the bark ran out, then travel north past the wolves’ territory, and perhaps into the faerie lands of Prythian - where no mortals would dare go, not unless they had a death wish.”
“We start out a million years ago in a small community on some grassy plain; we hunt animals, have children, and develop a rich social, sexual, and intellectual life, but we know almost nothing about our surroundings.”
“What a beautiful day! We’re not scared.”
“On with the hunt! I will not rest. I will follow that bee to his honey nest!”
“That is not a honey bee! That was not a honey tree!”
“I think you are very clever, Dad. But your friends the bees are very mad! But Dad! You left the honey there!”
″ We’re going on a bear hunt. We’re going to catch a big one”
“If a bear is smart, if a bear knows how, he goes on a honey hunt. Watch me now!”
“I smell a smell. Wrong kind of tree! Wrong kind of tree!”
“One shiny wet nose! Two big furry ears! Two big goggly eyes! IT’S A BEAR!!!!”
“We’re not going on a bear hunt again.”
“Bees hide their honey in trees that are hollow. So we will find a bee to follow.”
“This looks just like a honey tree. And ... it feels just like a honey tree. And... it goes ‘Buzz! Buzz!’ like a honey tree. And... it tastes just like a honey tree!”
“Because of those pests, he had run out of luck, because of those guests on his horns, he was stuck!”
“Poor Thidwick sank down, with a groan, to his knees. And then, then came something that made his heart freeze. Bullets came zinging right past Thidwick’s face!”
“Most beasts are quite friendly, but still, in some lands, some beasts are too dangerous to catch with bare hands. For those that are ugly and vicious and mean I’ll build a Bad-Animal-Catching-Machine. It’s rather expensive to build such a kit, but with it a hunger can never get bit.”
“Yesterday you shot my children. You shot all six of my children.”
“I can’t stand hunting. I just can’t stand it. It doesn’t seem right to me that men and boys should kill animals just for the fun they get out of it.”
“Now the one thing that Mr. Gregg and his two boys loved to do more than anything else was to go hunting. Every Saturday morning they would take their guns and go off into the woods to look for animals and birds to shoot. Even Philip, who was only eight years old, had a gun of his own.”
“Not today,′ said Mr. Tod. ‘But there is not food in the house,’ cried Mrs. Tod. ‘What!’ cried Mr. Tod. ‘I went hunting yesterday. I even missed the cubs’ bedtime.′ ‘I know,’ sighed Mrs. Tod.‘But you didn’t catch anything.”
“The baby owls thought (all owls think a lot)- ‘I think she’s gone hunting,’ said Sarah. ‘To get us our food!’ said Percy. ‘I want my mummy! said Bill”
“Down by the river in the heat of the day the crocodile sleeps and awaits his prey.”
″‘Ahhhh!’ says croc, who wakes with a grin, ‘Looks like dinner is here again!‘”
“Here he comes with a glint in his eye. SNAP!”
“Never. Never in all the food, all the hamburgers and malts, all the fries or meals at home, never in all the candy or pies or cakes, never in all the roasts or steaks or pizzas, never in all the submarine sandwiches, never never never had he tasted anything as fine as that first bite.”
“The Great Storm-Cat grew quiet: gone was his hunger for hunting, for making his meal of the mice-men. Only the pleasure of the purring remained. Then the Great Storm-Cat began to purr with Mowzer, and as the soft sound grew, the winds waned and the waves weakened.”
“As she listened to his wailing, Mowzer felt a sudden strange sadness for him. How lonely he must be, she thought, endlessly hunting the men-mice in the deeps of darkness, and never returning to the rosy glow of a red-hot range. And her kind heart was moved to comfort him.”
“Three Bears still hunting, THEY spy Baby Bunting.”
“Every summer Stina visited her grandfather in his house by the sea. And every summer she went treasure hunting. Smooth sticks, sea stars, feathers, there was so much to be found.”
“Why, a stag is called a brocket until he is three years old, at four years he is a staggart; at five years a warrantable stag; and after five years he becomes a hart royal.”
″‘The evil thing, the shadow that hunts me, has no name.’ ‘All things have a name,’ said Ogion”
“Fog Benson had captured him when the cub was six months old. He had killed Ben’s mother and brought the young bear to town to show him off. And because Ben had cried for hours for his lost mother, Fog had laughingly named him ‘Squeaky Ben,’ after a local character with a querulous voice. As the cub grew and it became apparent his size would be tremendous, the ‘Squeaky’ part was dropped.”
“Storm Boy” explores the relationship between a boy and his friend, even when the friend is a pelican, as well as touching on hunting, conservation, and the isolation, remoteness, and hardships of parts of Australia.
“From far away there came a deep rolling sound, and a screaming cheer. The otter instantly returned to her cubs and stood over them in a protective attitude, for she knew that hounds were hunting the water.”
“The tree was a friend to all, and it had one human friend, who as a child had seen it first when trailing in summer after her father hunting the otters of the brook.”
“Shere Khan, the Big One, has shifted his hunting grounds. He will hunt among these hills for the next moon, so he has told me.”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 11
“Out and hunt with thy master. Thou hast done harm enough for one night.”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 16
O thou Mowgli—for Mowgli the Frog I will call thee—the time will come when thou wilt hunt Shere Khan as he has hunted thee.
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 49
″ I came very near to falling on my last hunt—very near indeed—and the noise of my slipping, for my tail was not tight wrapped around the tree, waked the Bandar-log, and they called me most evil names.”
Source: Chapter 3, Paragraph 74
“True, but he has cost us heavily in time which might have been spent in good hunting, in wounds, in hair—I am half plucked along my back—and last of all, in honor.
Source: Chapter 3, Paragraph 170
“My dear cousin,” said Lady Anne, laughing, “pray do not trouble your good careful head about me. I have been a horsewoman ever since I was a baby, and I have followed the hounds a great many times, though I know you do not approve of ladies hunting; but still that is the fact, and I intend to try this Lizzie that you gentlemen are all so fond of; so please help me to mount, like a good friend as you are.”
Source: Chapter 24, Paragraph 9

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