
Wolf Quotes

Three of the best book quotes from Wolf
“The Wolf ran over the mountain, The Wolf ran over the mountain, The Wolf ran over the mountain, To see where Fox could be. To see where Fox could be. On the other side of the mountain, They splashed around with glee!”
“Dear children, I have to go into the forest, be on your guard against the wolf; if he comes in, he will devour you all - skin, hair, and everything, The wretch often disguises himself, but you will know him at once by his rough voice and black feet.”
″ ‘Grandmamma, what great arms you have got!’ ‘That is the better to hug thee, my dear’ ‘Grandmama, what great legs you have got!’ ‘That is to run the better, my child’ ‘Grandmamma, what great ears you have got!’ ‘That is to hear the better, my child’ ‘Grandmamma, what great eyes you have got!’ ‘It is to see the better, my child’. ”
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