
feet Quotes

48 of the best book quotes about feet
″‘Well”, he answered ‘the only way to develop hinds’ feet is to go by the paths which the hinds use.′ ”
“O Shepherd. You said you would make my feet like hinds’ feet and set me upon High Places.”
“Winn-Dixie started to snore, and I nudged him with my foot to try to make him quit. I wanted to hear the rest of the story. It was important to me to hear how Littmus survived after losing everything he loved.”
“He held out his hand to help me up. And I took it. I let him pull me to my feet.”
“Today [...] eat whatever you want [...] If you wish, you may eat with both hands and both feet. So get in there and munch. Have a big munch-er-oo!”
“But you have to be smart and keep watching their feet. Because sometimes they stand on their tiptoes and cheat.”
“All I saw was his beauty, his singing limbs, the quick flickering of his feet.”
“I’ve got a rabbit’s foot and I feel lucky that I have it, but I still know that it must’ve come from one unlucky rabbit.”
“Feet are what connect you to the ground, and when you are poor, none of that ground belongs to you.”
″...who am I to summon his hard and happy body his four white feet that love to wheel and pedal through the dark leaves to come back to walk by my side, obedient.”
“Here soar not with wings But with your moving hands and feet And sweating brows - Standing by your Beloved’s side Reaching out to comfort this world With your cup of solace Drawn from your vast reservoir of truth.”
“Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, • having put on the breastplate of righteousness, • and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; • above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.”
″ Left foot, Left foot Right foot, Right. Feet in the morning. Feet at night. Left foot, Left foot, Left foot, Right. Wet foot, Dry foot. High foot, Low foot. ”
“Front feet, Back feet. Red feet, Black feet. Left foot, Right foot.”
“Feet, Feet, Feet. How many, many feet you meet.”
“Slow feet, Quick feet. Trick feet, Sick feet. Up feet, Down feet.”
“Here come clown feet. Small feet, Big feet.”
“His feet, Her feet. Fuzzy fur feet.”
“In the house, and on the street how many, many feet you meet.”
“More and more feet Twenty-four feet Here come more and more………….. ……….and more feet!”
“Left foot. Right foot. Feet. Feet. Feet. Oh, how many feet you meet!”
″ ‘Oh drat,’ said Toad. ‘Not only do my feet hurt, but I have lost one of the buttons on my jacket.’ ”
“No sooner had the puppet discovered that he had feet than he jumped down from the table on which he was lying, and began to spring and to cut a thousand capers about the room, as if he had gone mad with delight. ‘To reward you for what you have done for me,’ said Pinocchio to his father, ‘I will go to school at once.‘”
“A four-footed lion’s not much of a beast. The one in my zoo will have ten feet, at least! Five legs on the left and five more on the right.”
“Our feet crunched over the crisp snow and little gray footprints followed. Pa made a long shadow, but mine was short and round. I had to run after him every now and then to keep up and my short, round shadow bumped after me.”
“The penguin sat quietly, keeping Amos’s feet warm.”
“But I love your feet only because they walked upon the earth and upon the wind and upon the waters, until they found me.”
“Doctor De Soto was especially popular with the big animals. He was able to work inside their mouths, wearing rubbers to keep his feet dry, and his fingers were so delicate, and his drill so dainty, they could hardly feel any pain.”
″...we still have no sofa and no big chairs. When mama comes home, her feet hurt. ‘There’s no good place for me to take a load off my feet,’ she says.”
“Her mother went back to her picking, but Little Sal, because her feet were tired of standing and walking, sat down in the middle of a large clump of bushes and ate blueberries.”
“Because his feet were tired of hustling, he picked out a large clump of bushes and sat down right in the middle and ate blueberries.”
“And though you think the world is at your feet, it can rise up and tread on you.”
“As soon as they were back on their feet they circled round her so that the blanket was wrapped tighter and tighter. Then they tied the four corners together so that she could not possibly get out, and left her in the middle of the kitchen.”
“By this time the peddler was really very, very angry. He stamped both his feet and shouted, ‘You monkey’s you! You must give me back my caps!’ ”
“One is the Springmouse who turns on the showers. Then comes the Summer who paints in the flowers. The Fallmouse is next with the walnuts and wheat. And Winter is last…with little cold feet.”
“Once more he stepped into the street and to his lips again laid his long pipe of smooth straight cane. Before he blew three notes (so sweet and soft, and yet so cunning), there was a rustling that seemed like a bustling of merry crowds justling at pitching and hustling. Small feet were pattering, wooden shoes clattering, little hands clapping and little tongues chattering, and, like fowls on a farm when barley is scattering, out came the children running.”
“Dear children, I have to go into the forest, be on your guard against the wolf; if he comes in, he will devour you all - skin, hair, and everything, The wretch often disguises himself, but you will know him at once by his rough voice and black feet.”
“But the Irishwoman, alone of them all, had seen which way Tom went. She kept ahead of every one the whole time; and yet she neither walked nor ran. She went along quite smoothly and gracefully, while her feet twinkled past each other so fast that you could not see which was foremost; till every one asked the other who the strange women was; and all agreed, for want of anything better to say, that she must be in league with Tom.”
″ ‘Will you be good, Sir?’ she exclaimed, stamping her foot on the ground. ‘The reason for this, and the reason for that, indeed! You are always wanting the reason. No reason. There! Hoity toity me! I am sick of your grown-up reasons.’ ”
“All right then. Place your feet exactly in the middle of that metal square. That’s right. On no account touch the walls. Just close your eyes and keep still. Don’t get impatient.”
“I live down at the end of the hall. Sometimes I take two sticks and skidder them along the walls And when I run down the hall I slomp my feet agains the woodwork which is very good for scuffing and noise Sometimes I slomp my skates if I want to make a really loud and terrible racket.”
“I followed as sedately as I could after her, but my feet wouldn’t move quietly, they felt they must dance as if they were bewitched by the strangeness of everything.”
″‘How old are you?’ asked Susan. ‘All manner of ages,’ replied the scarecrow. ‘My face is one age, and my feet are another, and my arms are the oldest of all.‘”
″‘You might as well be rooted for all the travelling you do.’ So this evening, after the rooks had stopped acting silly, I pulled up my feet and walked about a bit.”
“Fairy Bread Come up here, O dusty feet! Here is fairy bread to eat, Here in my retiring room, Children, you may dine On the golden smell of broom And the shade of the pine; And when you have eaten well, Fairy stories hear and tell.”
“I don’t have striped feet like you, so don’t bother me!”
“But this night our feet must tread in thorny paths; or later, and for ever, the feet you love must walk in paths of flame!”
Source: Chapter 17, Line 85
“He is altogether without hair, and I could kill him with a touch of my foot.”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 35

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