
A Dog So Small Quotes

11 of the best book quotes from A Dog So Small
“Ben, the middle child in a large, busy family living in London, wants a dog. His grandparents give him an embroidered picture which leads to fantasy which has a violent culmination. ”
“During recuperation at his grandparents, he at first rejects a mongrel puppy but realization of need brings acceptance.”
″.. but he receives a picture of a dog instead of a real one! But the imagination can be a powerful thing, and when Ben puts his to work, his adventures really begin!”
“Ben’s grandfather had promised him a dog for his birthday, but the promise was kept in an unusual way.”
“While his grandparents live in the country with their own dog, Ben and his large, busy family live a rather bustling life in central London, a short stop away from Big Ben.”
“It is tough being a middle child and more so when the age between your two older sisters or two younger brothers is great. Your place in the family is unstable.”
“So when the day comes for Ben to receive his gift from his grandparents, his heart is broken and trust shattered when he only receives a woven image of a Chihuahua in a frame.”
“The fact dawns on him that he will never own a dog because it’d be too big for the house and central London is no place to raise a large dog.”
“Young Ben Blewitt is desperate for a dog. He’s picked out the biggest and best dogs from the books in the library.”
″... and he just knows he’s going to get one for his birthday. Ben is excited when the big day arrives..”
“So what does Ben do? He imagines a dog so small that only he can see it, play with it and care for it. But in becoming so engrossed in imagining this creature, Ben loses touch with the real world and a tragic accident happens which calls on the family to consider everyone’s futures.”
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