
birthdays Quotes

41 of the best book quotes about birthdays
“After all, what are birthdays? Here today and gone tomorrow.”
″‘I told you. On his eleventh birthday. At three o’clock in the afternoon. It’ll sort of home in on him. He’s supposed to name it himself.‘”
“Now let me see,” he thought, as he took his last lick of the inside of the jar, “where was I going, Ah, yes, Eeyore.” He got up slowly. And then, suddenly, he remembered. He had eaten Eeyore’s present!
“You don’t always want to be miserable on my birthday, do you?”
“This day shall be thy birth-day, and thy grave.”
“And I wish I could do All these great things for you!”
“All of it, all of it, All is for you!”
“Wake up! For Today is your Day of all Days!”
“A Present! A-ha! Now what kind shall I give...? Why, the kind you’ll remember as long as you live!”
“The Great Birthday Bird! [...] This bird has a brain. He’s most beautifully brained with the brainiest bird-brain that’s ever been trained.”
“That costs quite a lot. But I couldn’t care less. Today is your birthday! Today You are You! So what if it costs me a thousand or two.”
“Today [...] eat whatever you want [...] If you wish, you may eat with both hands and both feet. So get in there and munch. Have a big munch-er-oo!”
“If we didn’t have birthdays, you wouldn’t be you. If you’d never been born, well then what would you do? [...] Why, you might be a WASN’T!”
“I am what I am! That’s a great thing to be! If I say so myself, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!”
“Because, after your party, as well you may guess, it will take twenty days just to sweep up the mess.”
“I do not remember to have ever met a slave who could tell of his birthday.”
“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is You-er than You!”
“Today I’m five. I was four last night going to sleep in Wardrobe, but when I wake up in Bed in the dark I’m changed to five, abracadabra. Before that I was three, then two, then one, then zero. ‘Was I minus numbers?‘”
“You seem so sad, Eeyore.” “Sad? Why should I be sad? It’s my birthday. The happiest day of the year.”
“The family section ran a regular feature about kids on their birthdays, and my mother had called in some info. The last sentence read: ‘As a hobby, Leo Borlock collects porcupine neckties.‘”
″‘Hurry everybody!’ said Mr Lemoncello. ‘I don’t want to be late to my own birthday party.‘”
“For my last birthday, Dad bought me a pocket-sized Collins English Dictionary. It would only fit in a pocket that had been specially designed.”
When J.J.’s mother idly wishes for more time for her birthday, J.J. decides to find her some. But how can he find her time when he barely has enough time of his own to do the basics, like schoolwork—let alone to find out if the local rumors about his grandfather being a murderer are true?
“This is a birthday present from my Uncle Ry,” Stillwater said. “He always gives presents on his birthday, to celebrate the day he was born.”
“Marigold started going weird again on her birthday. Star remembered that birthdays were often bad times so we’d tried really hard.”
“Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker’s man, Bake me a cake as fast as you can, Carry it in on a beautiful plate And light up the candles- TODAY I AM EIGHT!”
“It all happened on Findus’ birthday. Findus had three birthdays a year, because it was more fun that way. And every birthday, Pettson made him a pile of pancakes.”
“This birthday Pettson went to the hen house to collect a basket of eggs. Then he sat on the bench outside the kitchen and polished them. Pettson was a tidy man and he wanted them all clean and shiny.”
″‘I’ll have another birthday before we get our pancakes.’ ‘Sooo, you’re that impatient,’ said Pettson.”
″‘Nine on Thursdee,’ he remarked. ‘Your birthday’s in five days’ time.′ Willie didn’t understand what was so particularly special about that.”
“The night before her birthday, Hannah went to bed tingling with excitement – she had asked her father for a gorilla! In the middle of the night, Hannah woke up and saw a very small parcel at the foot of the bed. It was a gorilla but it was just a toy.”
“Hannah rushed downstairs to tell her father what had happened. ‘Happy birthday, love,’ he said. ‘Do you want to go to the zoo?’ Hannah looked at him. She was very happy.”
“When Pat arrived at the twins’ birthday party, with Sarah-Ann and the chocolates, Katy smiled properly for the first time that day. She hugged Sarah-Ann and Pat and Jess, and said, ‘Thank you’ to them all. It was a lovely party.”
“ ‘Poor Katy,’ said Pat, ‘and on her birthday, too. I’ll buy her a box of chocolates to cheer her up, as we haven’t found Sarah-Ann’. Pat took a box of chocolates from the shelf of the mobile shop.”
“From that time onwards, Hush was visible. But once a year, on her birthday, she and Grandma Poss ate a Vegemite sandwich, a piece of pavlova and half a lamington, just to make sure that Hush stayed visible forever. And she did.”
“For everyone knows you cannot give your mother a red roof, a yellow taxi-cab, a green caterpillar, or a blue lake for her birthday. ”
″... and he just knows he’s going to get one for his birthday. Ben is excited when the big day arrives..”
“Betsy Bear wrote a letter to Grandma to wish her a Happy Birthday. She went to the post office to mail it. She bought an airmail stamp and stuck it on the envelope. She put the letter in the letter slot. ”
It’s Gwyn Griffiths’ birthday, but celebrations are frowned on, as it is also the anniversary of his sister’s disappearance on the mountains above his house.
″‘And three parcels. The big one’s my cake and the square fat one’s probably Aunt Angela.’ Darbishire peered at the parcel, through dusty spectacles. ‘Don’t be crazy; she couldn’t be that shape unless she’d been cremated.‘”
“It’s my birthday! I’m having a party. All my friend have brought presents...shall we open them?”

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