
Alyssa Brugman Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from Alyssa Brugman
“Megan Tuw and her friends are “smart, funny, pretty: everything you could want to be,” but when Megan ends up in detention with the high school pariah, Perdita Wiguiggan, she begins to learn that the Freak has something the members of her clique lack. ”
“While their surreptitious friendship widens poetry-obsessed Perdita takes her to a university course and to her abusive home, it also creates escalating tension between Megan and her girlfriends.”
“A realistic, and chilling, peer group: Megan’s friends hold “interventions” to keep one another in line over matters as trivial as hairstyle, and organize a “freedom of expression” protest when an older boy is arrested for streaking.”
“Perdita is not just misunderstood, but truly weird ‘Keep your breath to cool your porridge, Kitty,’ she says when Megan tries to explain why they can’t hang out at school. ”
“Though the friendship between the two never quite reaches the same level of realism, readers will empathize with Perdita, and with Megan when she is ultimately forced to choose.”
“Megan Tuw has always been popular. As a leader of her high school’s most cliquish group, she’s among the anointed girls who think nothing of ridiculing those who don’t fit in. ”
“But Megan doesn’t know the first thing about Perdita, since she would never dream of talking to her. Only when the two girls are thrown together in detention does Megan begin to see Perdita as more than someone with an odd last name, as more than the school outcast. And slowly, Megan finds herself drawn into an almost-friendship.”
Megan Tuw is popular. She has always been popular. Her friends are all popular. Megan and her friends keep others in their place. Perdita is not popular. She is the Freak. She is loathed in the school. Megan and her friends hate Perdita.
And then Megan and Perdita spend time together in detention. Megan comes to know Perdita. Respect her intelligence. Acknowledge her brilliance at poetry. Megan becomes friends with Perdita. Megan’s friends must not know.
Megan Tuw was self absorbed and even in the end she managed to turn everything about her. And I didn’t like Perdita, while she was the person that you were meant to feel sorry for and angry at the way everyone else treated her.

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