
hate Quotes

100+ of the best book quotes about hate
Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. Ghosts are transparent.
“I was born to join in love, not hate - that is my nature.”
I hate them consciously.
The Texan turned out to be good-natured, generous and likable. In three days no one could stand him.
You have deep-seated survival anxieties. And you don’t like bigots, bullies, snobs or hypocrites. Subconsciously there are many people you hate.
“So the question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. Will we be extremists for hate or for love? Will we be extremists for the preservation of injustice or for the extension of justice?”
“Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves.”
“When we hate our enemies, we are giving them power over us: power over our sleep, our appetites, our blood pressure, our health, and our happiness.”
“With me as the glaring exception, my father molded the world around him to his liking. The problem, of course, was that Baba saw the world in black and white. And he got to decide what was black and what was white. You can’t love a person who lives that way without fearing him too. Maybe even hating him a little.”
“Not only are we in the districts forced to remember the iron grip of the Capitol’s power each year, we are forced to celebrate it. And this year, I am one of the stars of the show. I will have to travel from district to district, to stand before the cheering crowds who secretly loathe me, to look down into the faces of the families whose children I have killed.”
“Better still to concentrate on love, there is already too much hate in this land of ours. This country has been starved of love too long.”
“But whatsoever is the object of any man’s appetite or desire, that is it which he for his part calleth good; and the object of his hate and aversion, evil; and of his contempt, vile and inconsiderable. For these words of good, evil, and contemptible are ever used with relation to the person that useth them: there being nothing simply and absolutely so; nor any common rule of good and evil to be taken from the nature of the objects themselves.”
“That which men desire they are said to love, and to hate those things for which they have aversion. So that desire and love are the same thing.”
“Enemies of the Heir, beware! You’ll be next, Mudbloods!”
“I hate the moon. I hate tides and earthquakes and volcanoes. I hate a world where things that have absolutely nothing to do with me can destroy my life and the lives of people I love.”
“It means “dirty blood.” Mudblood’s a foul name for someone who’s Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone like me. It’s not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation.”
“Oh, if I had an instant’s strength in this hand of mine I would set fire to the gates and to those houses and courts within, even though I burned in the fire. A thousand curses to the parents that bore the children of Hwang!”
“Amy made me believe I was exceptional, that I was up to her level of play. That was both our making and undoing. Because I couldn’t handle the demands of greatness. I began craving ease and average-ness, and I hated myself for it, and ultimately, I realized, I punished her for it. I turned her into the brittle, prickly thing she became.”
I believe and I doubt, I hope and get discouraged, I love and I hate, I feel bad about feeling good, I feel guilty about not feeling guilty. I am trusting and suspicious. I am honest and I still play games.
“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.”
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”
″‘Well, what’s to be done with it?’ said Sam. ‘Tie it up, so as it can’t come sneaking after us no more, I say.‘”
“She had taught me to disdain the blend of ignorance and arrogance that too often characterized Americans abroad.”
“I learned nothing from you except how to be suspicious. I didn’t know what hate was until I lived among you and saw you hating every day.”
“My point is that we’re dealing with two devils who both want to rule hell.”
“I despise you and everything you stand for.”
″‘I hate her,’ I said, and waited for the blow to fall. But Doctor Nolan only smiled at me as if something had pleased her very, very much and said, ‘I suppose you do.‘”
“‘It is because I had so much joy that I came to have so much hate.‘”
America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves.
“The genius of apartheid was convincing people who were the overwhelming majority to turn on each other. Apart hate, is what it was. You separate people into groups and make them hate one another so you can run them all.”
“Wren shoved off the counter, shaking her head. ‘Oh, you hate everything. You hate change. If I didn’t drag you along behind me, you’d never get anywhere.’”
″‘And I tell you that he who is born a Mingo will die a Mingo,’ returned the other, positively. ‘A Mohawk! No give me a Delaware...‘”
“I wonder if the quiet was not better than … death and hatred. But … I will not wonder long.”
“It is the hate that is the enemy. Not men. Hate does not die with killing. It only springs up a hundredfold. The only thing stronger than hate is love.”
″‘Riches are not keeping you from the kingdom,’ he said. ‘You must give up your hate.‘”
“Drunk Rachel sees no consequences, she is either excessively expansive and optimistic or wrapped up in hate. She has no past, no future. She exists purely in the moment.”
“You have to protect yourself from sadness. Sadness is very close to hate.”
“‘What do you hate most?’ he asks. ‘A lie. And you?’ ‘Ownership,’ he says. ‘When you leave me, forget me.’”
“I don’t understand all this hate in the world.”
Sharpened by hate. Strengthened by love.
“More hateful still the miscreant who seeks When caught, to make a virtue of a crime.”
“Everyone knows how you hate Mameha,” Auntie told [Hatsumomo]. “You hate anyone more successful than you.”
“The greatest sin a person can do to another is to take away that life. Next to that, all the rule and religions in the world are secondary; mere words and beliefs that people choose to believe and kill and hate by. My life won’t be lived that way, and neither, I hope, will my children’s. I left for New York happy in the knowledge that my grandmother had not suffered and died for nothing.”
″‘I will protect even those I hate,’ Kaladin whispered through bloody lips. ‘So long as it is right.‘”
“Ka comes to me ... I translate it ... I am not ka ... I hate it! ”
“We can embrace love; its not too late. Why do we sleep, instead with hate? Belief requires no suspension to see that Hell is our invention.”
“‘You asked why the rats hate Overlanders so deeply. It is because they know one will be the warrior of the prophecy,’ said Vikus. ‘Oh, I see,’ said Gregor. ‘So, when’s he coming?’ Vikus fixed his eyes on Gregor. ‘I believe he is already here.‘”
“‘Hope,’ said Vikus. ‘There are times it will be very hard to find. Times when it will be much easier to choose hate instead. But if you want to find peace, you must first be able to hope it is possible.‘”
“I discovered that the dragon had put a charm on me: no weapon could cut me. I could walk up to the meadhall whenever I pleased, and they were powerless. My heart became darker because of that. Though I scorned them, sometimes hated them, there had been something between myself and men when we could fight. Now, invulnerable, I was as solitary as one live tree in a vast landscape of coal.”
“Bigger felt that he was sitting and holding his life helplessly in his hands, waiting for Max to tell him what to do with it; and it made him hate himself. An organic wish to cease to be, to stop living, seized him. Either he was too weak, or the world was too strong; he did not know which. Over and over he had tried to create a world to live in and over and over he had failed. Now once again he was waiting for someone to tell him something; once more, he was poised on the verge of action and commitment.”
“In time we hate that which we often fear.”
“Negrophobes exist. It is not hatred of the Negro, however, that motivates them; they lack the courage for that, or they have lost it. Hate is not inborn; it has to be constantly cultivated, to be brought into being, in conflict with more or less recognized guilt complexes. ”
“I hate this place. I hate this place. I can’t write it enough times to make it look the way I feel. I hate, hate, hate this place!”
“Love, hate, what’s the difference?”
“Look, I was an idiot. I didn’t want people to think that I had a crush, so I decided to give everyone the impression that I truly, honestly hated Madison Harter. For no reason. Just thinking about this makes me want to punch myself in the eyeball.”
“When I am dead – I say it that way because from the things I know, I do not expect to live long enough to read this book in its finished from – I want you to just watch and see if I’m not right when I say: that the white man, in his press, is going to identify me with ‘hate.‘”
“Once, indeed, I did have a friend. But I was already a tyrant at heart; I wanted to exercise unbounded sway over him; I tried to instill into him a contempt for his surroundings; I required of him a disdainful and complete break with those surroundings. I frightened him with my passionate affection; I reduced him to tears, to hysterics. He was a simple and devoted soul; but when he devoted himself to me entirely I began to hate him immediately and repulsed him – as though all I needed him for was to win a victory over him, to subjugate him and nothing else. But I could not subjugate all of them; my friend was not at all like them either, he was, in fact, a rare exception.”
“But now it’s too late. And that’s why at this moment I feel so much hate. Toward myself. I deserve to be on this list. Because if I hadn’t been so afraid of everyone else, I might have told Hannah that someone cared.”
“I try to hate him. I try to forget him. But it’s not that easy.”
“When she loves, she loves too much and when she hates, she hates too much. And in between there is so much wage, so much that she loses herself in these moments.”
“It’s possible to hate someone, to look at them and wish you weren’t aware of their every move, and to want them more than you’ve ever wanted anything in your life.”
“It was a once in a lifetime thing. I hate to think it but I bet it’s true. It’s too bad for us that our once in a lifetime happened when were too young to handle it.”
″‘Papa, the son’s feeling will be hurt if he sees this. He wouldn’t be pleased. We should paint over it.’ ‘I’m glad you feel that way. That’s exactly what we should do. We need to look inside the house too, but it will take some time to go through their things.‘”
“And for three months… for three months I tried to convince myself that you were better off without me. I tried to convince myself that everything I’d done had made you hate me.”
“Those that hate goodness are sometimes nearer than those that know nothing at all about it and think they have it already.”
“Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the hater.”
“Once a woman turns against you, forget it. They can love you, then something turns in them. They can watch you dying in a gutter, run over by a car, and they’ll spit on you.”
“You’re the sum of every trait I’ve ever hated in a human being.”
“I hate this. Whenever we jail him, I think ‘Please God, keep him there.’ Then he escapes and we all sit round hoping he won’t do anything too awful this time.”
“How can two people hate so much without knowing each other?”
“Hate. That was the forbidden word. I hated my sister. I, who belonged to a religion which taught that simply to be angry with another made one liable to the judgment of God and that to hate was the equivalent of murder.”
“The memory was like a knife cutting into him. Slicing deep into him with hate. The Secret.”
“You don’t thank people who set you in bondage and hold you there year after wretched year. You hate them. And if it isn’t in you to hate, as it had never been in Roy Luther, then you do second best; you pick up and get out.”
“No one is born evil. As Winnicott put it, “A baby cannot hate the mother, without the mother first hating the baby.”
“I bet whoever did this is really pleased with themselves. It kind of makes me hate them.”
“A girl will never forget the first boy she likes.” —He’s Just Not That into You “But she’ll also never forget the first boy she hates.”
“I hated pretending to like these people, hated pretending to agree with their awful hatred of the Jews, hated pretending I wanted them to win the war and conquer the world. But I smiled because I had to.”
“He wants to believe that playing by the monarchy’s rules will keep us safe, but nothing can protect us when those rules are rooted in hate.”
Megan Tuw is popular. She has always been popular. Her friends are all popular. Megan and her friends keep others in their place. Perdita is not popular. She is the Freak. She is loathed in the school. Megan and her friends hate Perdita.
“Over generations, love of the maji turned into fear. Fear turned into hate. Hate transformed into violence, a desire to wipe the maji away.”
“Man, if anybody ever hurt me like that I’d hate them for the rest of my life.”
“I have one great fear in my heart, that one day when they are turned to loving, they will find we are turned to hating.”
“How could I explain to you that she wasn’t coming back? So it helped, being able to hate her.”
“Most of all I hate Justine. That Monster Gorilla. And not seeing my mom.”
″ ‘I hate winter,’ said Griselda, pressing her cold little face against the colder window-pane, ‘I hate winter, and I hate lessons. I would give up being a person in a minute if I might be a-a-what would I best like to be? Oh yes, I know - a butterfly. Butterflies never see winter and they certainly never have any lessons or any kind of work to do. I hate must-ing to do anything.”
“We’d seen the pictures of a bunch of really mad white people with twisted-up faces screaming and giving dirty finger signs to some little Negro kids who were trying to go to school. I’d seen the pictures, but I didn’t really know how these white people could hate some kids so much.”
“I don’t think they’re sick at all, I think they just let hate eat them up and turn them into monsters.”
“Once you understand what people really want, you can’t hate them anymore. You can fear them, but you can’t hate them, because you can always find the same desires in your own heart.”
“Love and hate are two horns on the same goat.”
“Simon felt the duke’s rejection in his very bones, felt a peculiar kind of pain enter his body and creep around his heart. And, as hatred flooded his body and poured from his eyes, he made a solemn vow. If he couldn’t be the son his father wanted, then by God, he’d be the exact opposite…”
“Hate does that. Burns off everything but itself, so whatever your grievance is, your face looks just like your enemy’s.”
“Don’t waste hate on pink geranium.”
″...George hates being a girl, and we have to call her George, as if she were a boy. The naughty girl won’t answer if we call her Georgina.”
“I shall only answer if you call me George. I hate being a girl. I won’t be. I don’t like doing the things that girls do. I like doing the things that boys do.”
“He hated Eric at first sight, simply because his feeble mind could only realize one idea about him, and that was the new boy’s striking contrast with his own imperfections.”
“Only white folks got the freedom to hate home.”
“And I thought: now there is no turning back. No more regrets for what I haven’t done. I love him, I hate myself; I love myself, I hate him. This is the end of a long story.”
“She hated the Arz. She hated it so much, she craved it.”
“For who could hate or bear a grudge, against a lovely bit of fudge?”
“He was my king and all that I have I owe to him. The food that I eat, the hall where I live, and the swords of me men, all came from Alfred, my king, who hated me.”
“Heaven forbid!⁠—That would be the greatest misfortune of all!⁠—To find a man agreeable whom one is determined to hate!⁠—Do not wish me such an evil.”
‘We condition the masses to hate the country,’ concluded the Director. ‘But simultaneously we condition them to love all country sports.’
To live on terms of intimate friendship with a man whom you hate is dangerous work for your friend.
Source: Chapter 21, Line 6
I do hate him—I am wretched—I have been a fool!
Source: Chapter 13, Paragraph 67
“And people hate their wives, sometimes; but not their sisters and brothers: and if you were the latter, you would live with us, and papa would be as fond of you as he is of me.”
Source: Chapter 23, Paragraph 24
“Not even I can look thee between the eyes, and I was born among men, and I love thee, Little Brother. The others they hate thee because their eyes cannot meet thine; because thou art wise; because thou hast pulled out thorns from their feet—because thou art a man.”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 97
It’s my personal conviction that you are perfectly right—violence is hateful.
Source: Chapter 37, Paragraph 93
“All men hate the wretched; how, then, must I be hated, who am miserable beyond all living things!
Source: Chapter 14, Paragraph 8
“We all want what is sweet and nice. If not sweetmeats, then a dirty ice. And Kitty’s the same—if not Vronsky, then Levin. And she envies me, and hates me. And we all hate each other. I Kitty, Kitty me. Yes, that’s the truth.”
Source: Chapter 7, Paragraph 865

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