
arrested Quotes

Six of the best book quotes about arrested
“‘Where are you?’ asked Taya when I finally got a hold of her. ‘I got arrested.’ ‘All right,’ she snapped. ‘Whatever.’ I can’t say I blamed her for being mad. It wasn’t the most responsible thing I’ve ever done. Coming when it did, it was just one more irritant in a time filled with them—our relationship was rapidly going downhill.”
“I’m surprised there is a controversy. His actions are categorically criminal. I will have him brought to trial.... I’ll be more specific my first act as police commissioner will be to issue an arrest warrant for the Batman on charges of assault, breaking and entering, creating a public hazard...”
“You have to go after him! I want him brought in ... and I want him brought in by the book!”
“It all hit me at once: the climb, the arrest, the kid falling from the Flatiron... I broke down. My mom held me.”
“And she said I was no gentleman, and refused to tell me. So as she wouldn’t confess, of course I arrested her, and to be on the safe side I also arrested everybody else in the shop, and the Baby into the bargain.”
“Lupin also states that he was only arrested because he was distracted by a woman he loved and declares that he will not be present at his own trial.”
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