
being supportive Quotes

17 of the best book quotes about being supportive
“Everyone said how much they loved my sister’s speech even if they didn’t.”
“I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.”
“Leaning on someone leaves you on the ground.”
“They may fight with us, but they don’t fight for us.”
“She was everything I wanted. She was beautiful and charming, with a quick sense of humor, and she supported me in everything I did.”
“We are not here to fix, change or belittle another person. We are here to support, forgive and heal one another.”
“I know friends should be supportive of each other’s life decisions and all that.”
“To love someone means to be there for him or for her. This is an art and a practice.”
“My mother stopped the car and hugged him, and kissed him, and told him he was always welcome to come with us, anywhere we went; and I rather awkwardly put my arm around him, and we just sat that way in the car, until he had composed himself sufficiently for his return to 80 Front Street, where he marched in the back door, past Lydia’s room and the maids fussing in the kitchen, up the back stairs past the maids’ rooms, to my room and my bathroom, where he closed himself in and drew a deep bath. He handed me his sodden clothes, and I brought the clothes to the maids, who began their work on them.”
“It is amazing to me, now, how such wild imaginings and philosophies—inspired by a night charged with frights and calamities—made such perfectly good sense to Owen Meany and me; but good friends are nothing to each other if they are not supportive. ”
“The corridor was silent. It was necessary to walk very slowly, her hand on the wall. A man was curled on his side near the elevators, shivering. She wanted to speak to him, but speaking would take too much strength, so she looked at him instead—I see you, I see you—and hoped this was enough.”
“Walter: (Violently) No! ‘Cause ain’t nobody with me! Not even my own mother!”
“But she had often said to him that she had been right not to marry Peter Walsh; which, knowing Clarissa, was obviously true; she wanted support. Not that she was weak; but she wanted support.”
“The Three Things Every Man Needs: Support, Loyalty, and the Cookie.”
“Distressed partners may use different words but they are always asking the same basic questions, ‘Are you there for me? Do I matter to you? Will you come when I need you, when I call?’ Love is the best survival mechanism there is, and to feel suddenly emotionally cut off from a partner, disconnected, is terrifying.”
“Find, develop, and support good people, and they in turn will find, develop, and own good ideas.”
“The beauty of the covenant-keeping love between Christ and his church shines brightest when nothing but Christ can sustain it.”
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