
fight Quotes

77 of the best book quotes about fight
“It is important to fight and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay though never quite eradicated.”
“If everyone fought fire with fire, the whole world would go up in smoke.”
“Siblings that say they never fight are most definitely hiding something.”
“It struck him that in moments of crisis one is never fighting against an external enemy, but always against one’s own body... On the battlefield, in the torture chamber, on a sinking ship, the issues that you are fighting for are always forgotten, because the body swells up until it fills the universe, and even when you are not paralysed by fright or screaming with pain, life is a moment-to-moment struggle against hunger or cold or sleeplessness, against a sour stomach or an aching tooth.”
“There are occasions when it pays better to fight and be beaten than not to fight at all.”
“Something in me did not want to give up on life, was unwilling to let go, wanted to fight to the very end. Where that part of me got the heart, I don’t know.”
“I’ll fight when needed, revel when there’s occasion, mourn when there is grief, and die if my time comes … but I will not let anyone use me against my will.”
“They may fight with us, but they don’t fight for us.”
A person (or an animal) who feels there are no alternatives will fight even when violence isn’t justified, even when the consequences are perceived as unfavorable, and even when the ability to prevail is low.
“After two years of being treated like mice, tonight we’re making a stand. Tonight we’re taking the fight back to the Creators, no matter what we have to go through to get there. Tonight the Grievers better be scared.”
“There comes a time when you’re losing a fight that it just doesn’t make sense to keep on fighting. It’s not that you’re being a quitter, it’s just that you’ve got the sense to know when enough is enough.”
“Just like there’s a time that a smart person know enough is enough, there’s a time when you know you’ve got to fight”
“Only through an inner spiritual transformation do we gain the strength to fight vigorously the evils of the world in a humble and loving spirit.”
“Life is a fight from the minute you take your first breath to the moment you exhale your last.”
“I want her to look at me. I want her to stare me in the eye. I want her to see that I have no fear. I want her to know she stands no chance. I want her to be scared. I want her to know she is going to lose.”
“There’s a reason they didn’t keep this poem. The poem tells you to fight.”
“You think there’s nothing here because we’re not putting up a fight. But there are words in our heads that no one else knows. And my grandfather died on his terms, not yours. We have things of value but you can never find them because you don’t even know how to look.”
“I feel disgust when I think of how we climb our little hills when the Officials say the word. How we hand over our most precious items at their bidding. How we never, ever fight.”
“If we are marked to die, we are enough To do our country loss; and if to live, The fewer men, the greater share of honour. God’s will, I pray thee wish not one man more. By Jove, I am not covetous for gold”
“That he which hath no stomach to this fight, Let him depart. His passport shall be made And crowns for convoy put into his purse. We would not die in that man’s company That fears his fellowship to die with us.”
“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he today that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition”
“You have to fight because you can’t count on anyone else fighting for you. And you have to fight for people who can’t fight for themselves. To get anything of real value, you have to fight for it.”
“I guess that’s how come that man finally worked hisself to death like he done. Like he was fighting his own war with this here world that took his baby from him.”
“He looked at Kaz Brekker, a boy whose only cause was himself. Still, he was a survivor, and his own kind of soldier.”
“He could bend the bow of bronze.”
“Even though they fought, their fighting never turned them against each other. It always ended with them embracing and kissing, smiling, laughing.”
″‘Daniel,’ he said. ‘I would have you follow me.’ ‘Master!....I will fight for you to the end!.’ ‘My loyal friend,’ he said, ‘I would ask something much harder than that. Would you love for me to the end?’
“Oh, nothin’, sir. The Navy’s been great, sir. Everytime we gotta go someplace and fight, you boys give us a ride.”
“Fight not to win, but to avoid losing. A surefire losing strategy.”
“Victory was for those willing to fight and die. Intellectuals could theorize until they sucked their thumbs right off their hands, but in the real world, power still flowed from the barrel of a gun.”
“In the simulations, my blood pressure and heart rate would start out steady. Then, once we got into a firefight, they would drop. I would just sit there and do everything I had to do, real comfortable. As soon as it was over and things were peaceful, my heart rate would just zoom.”
“A half-second’s more hesitation, and I would have been the one bleeding out on the floor. They turned out to be Chechens, Muslims apparently recruited for a holy war against the West. (We found their passports after searching the house.)”
“I can’t imagine the world without Matthew Harrison Brady.”
“Most people would rather live in the predictability of captivity than risk the uncertainty that comes in a fight for freedom.”
“That shamed them well enough. A knight mounted, helmetless, and rode to join the others. A pair of sellswords followed. Then more. The King’s Gate shuddered again. In a few moments the size of Tyrion’s command had doubled. He had them trapped. If I fight, they must do the same, or they are less than dwarfs.”
“The place you fight cruelty is where you find it, and the place you give help is where you see it needed.”
“To fight abstraction you must have something of it in your own make-up . . . Abstraction for him was all that stood in the way of happiness.”
“It isn’t about destroying our capability to fight so much as crushing our will to fight.”
“I knew that my life was revolving about a world that I had to encounter and fight when I grew up.”
“This man was fighting, fighting with words. He was using words as a weapon, using them as one would use a club. Could words be weapons? Well, yes, for here they were.”
“‘Miss Clara, I’ve never seen anything like this. And I admire it, I really do. It’s just that I don’t have time to pray that much every day.’ Elizabeth said. ‘But you apparently have time to fight losing battles with your husband.‘”
“Persian envoy “our arrows will black out the sun...” Dienekes of the Spartans..“Good, then we’ll fight in the shade.”
“Pay no attention when they tap you on the shoulder and say come along we’ve got to fight for liberty or whatever their word is there’s always a word.”
“Sometimes you aim for the sun and fall short. But if you keep fighting for your dream, it becomes something so much better than you even knew to hope for. ”
“...Often the hardest person to fight for is... yourself. But you must. Your heart is needed. You must be present and engaged in order to love well and fight on behalf of others. Without you, much will be lost.”
“My mother and father didn’t plan for me to be an only child, but that’s the way it worked out, which is fine with me because this way I don’t have anybody around to fight”.
“Fight! Fight for the Butter Side up! Do or Die!”
“I’m unhappy to say he came back the next day in a spiffy new suit with a big new machine, and he snarled as he said, looking frightfully mean.”
“We didn’t do. And we didn’t quiet die. But we sure did get worsted, poor Daniel and I.”
″ ‘If you sprinkle us Zooks, you’ll get sprinkled as well!’ VanItch had a Sputter exactly like mine!”
“You alone, dear lady, gave me the courage and strength to fight the insolent varlet who dared to defy you. The treacherous King of the Mice has been vanquished and lies writhing in his blood. Deign, dear lady, to accept these tokens of victory from the hand of one who will be your true and faithful knight until death.”
“Crack crack crack, ugly stupid mice, we’ll beat them blue and black, we’ll squash them all like lice, crack crack crack.”
“That’s when Grandfather found me! He grabbed me. He said, ′ you should be down that hole! And you’re up here instead! But perhaps this is all for the better, somehow. You will see me make history! RIGHT HERE! AND RIGHT NOW!′ ”
“Still, even now, I’m fighting my way through. Perhaps it’s a bit dramatic to say, but I’m struggling against life. Wasn’t that what I decided once? To struggle. To live. To breathe and walk. To run. To eat. To bind, musubi. To live an ordinary life so I shed tears over the sights of a perfectly ordinary town.”
People who’ve lost precious loved ones or places, and who’ve privately decided to “struggle and fight,” even so. People who believe that they’re sure to find something someday, even though it hasn’t happened yet, and who keep reaching out for it. I felt that those feelings needed to be related with an immediacy that differed from the glamour of the movie, and I think that’s why I wrote this book.”
“When we fought, you had that eye of the tiger, man; the edge! And now you gotta get it back, and the way to get it back is to go back to the beginning. You know what I mean?
“Drac speeds through the jungle, but she can feel the fire from the Dragon’s mouth. She turns to fight. But the Dragon is too big, too fierce. The Terrible tongue is poised to destroy her.”
“Do not fight them. Instead think of them the way you think of children, or pets, not important enough to affect your mental balance”
“Rats! They fought the dogs and killed the cats, and bit the babies in the cradles, and ate the cheese out of the vats, and licked the soup from the cooks’ own ladles.”
“Let dogs delight to bark and bite. For God hath made them so; Let bears and lions growl and fight: For ‘tis their nature to. But children you should never let Such angry passions rise; Your little hands were never made To tear each others eyes.”
Her fight for truth starts after only a few days spent shocked and hopeless in an emergency hospital in Herleshausen.
“TV is in the drawing room I always have to watch it with a parasol in case there’s some sort of glare And oh my Lord when its fight night Nanny is absolutely wild and we have to scamper into our places and get ready”
“There was not a boy on the wharf Johnny did not know. He had made friends with some and enemies of others, and had played or fought with all of them. […] Seemingly in one month he had become a stranger, an outcast on Hancock’s wharf. He was maimed and they were whole.”
“He had lost the Minnow to her rightful and unpleasant owner; he would have to go ashore and fight the owner for calling him a thief, and, as he was the smaller boy, he would probably be beaten.”
“Bruce was awakened by a sharp peck on the head, and with an angry growl that came out like a squeak he reared up all ready to fight. But when he found himself nose to beak with a giant of a quail Bruce backed off to gape in amazement.”
“The children of Longeverne, Lebrac and his army, and the army of Velrans, led by Aztec de Gués, fight each other without mercy, with sticks, stones, and their bare hands.”
My theory is that he quarrelled violently with Mark over the girl, and killed him in sudden passion. Anything that happened after that would be self-defense.
Source: Chapter 16, Line 21
“They should have kept their energies for use closer to home. Whilst they played wits against me—against me who commanded nations, and intrigued for them, and fought for them, hundreds of years before they were born—I was countermining them.”
Source: Chapter 23, Line 64
“There are here some who would stand between you and death. You must not die. You must not die by any hand; but least of all by your own. Until the other, who has fouled your sweet life, is true dead you must not die; for if he is still with the quick Un-Dead, your death would make you even as he is. No, you must live! You must struggle and strive to live, though death would seem a boon unspeakable. You must fight Death himself, though he come to you in pain or in joy; by the day, or the night; in safety or in peril!
Source: Chapter 24, Line 12
This wasn’t a world in which a man had any business with a family; sooner or later Jurgis would find that out also, and give up the fight and shift for himself.
Source: Chapter 17, Line 38
“He’s got no more fight in him, I guess—and he’s only got a block to go.”
Source: Chapter 25, Line 30
“I fight in the cause of honor.”
Source: Chapter 78, Paragraph 122
All his days, no matter what the odds, he had never run from a fight. But the club of the man in the red sweater had beaten into him a more fundamental and primitive code.
“Yes, you will go away, and you will never come back. For you will go to the rubbish heap with Nag. Fight, widow! The big man has gone for his gun! Fight!”
Source: Chapter 9, Paragraph 112
“What shall I do? Where shall I go? I have fought with a white thing that waved, and it took a stick and hit me on the neck.”
Source: Chapter 13, Paragraph 8
“I suppose you fellows fight standing on your tails?”
Source: Chapter 13, Paragraph 62
“What I want to know,” said the young mule, who had been quiet for a long time—“what I want to know is, why we have to fight at all.”
Source: Chapter 13, Paragraph 116

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