
doing your best Quotes

16 of the best book quotes about doing your best
“Seek to perform your duties to your highest ability, this way your actions will be blameless.”
“To be the best, you have to constantly be challenging yourself, raising the bar, pushing the limits of what you can do. Don’t stand still, leap forward.”
“Promise yourself to think only of the best, to work only for the best, and expect only the best.”
“God created me—and you—to live with a single, all-embracing, all-transforming passion—namely, a passion to glorify God by enjoying and displaying his supreme excellence in all the spheres of life.”
“Nothing else matters except sitting down every day and trying.”
“‘I don’t know what Arks, I mean Mr Robertson, expects of me.’ ‘That you do your best. That’s all anybody expects of you. Do your best and he’ll be happy as Larry.’”
“But ever since you tole it to me, that’s what I been goin by. I been lettin the ‘tide’ carry me and tryin to do my best. Do the right thing.”
“A winner is someone who can look in the mirror at the end of the day and say in pursuit of my goal and dreams I gave my best.”
“You have to do your best while you still have a chance. Life is short.”
“The new way to network and build your true net worth is about charting your own course, living life based on your passions, and being the best you can be.”
“It is difficult but important to believe that this precious pair may have been trying to do the best they could, considering the kind of people they were.”
“She understood she was no longer in her heyday, but she was still a solid, mid-level performer.”
“I never make the same mistake twice.” “I don’t know as that’s much benefit when you’re always making new ones.”
Source: Chapter 21, Lines 57-58
“No,” she answered, “I don’t blame you. We never have—any of us. You did your best—the job was too much for us.”
Source: Chapter 27, Line 85
“Well, I can’t say I thank you for the experiment. But, then, as it appears to be a duty, I shall persevere and try, and do the best I can,”
Source: Chapter 20, Paragraph 134
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