
Freedom from Tyranny of the Urgent Quotes

20 of the best book quotes from Freedom from Tyranny of the Urgent
“This kingdom is not just a spiritual realm high above the concerns of human history. Nor is it a matter of geography and national boundaries. It is God’s gracious rule in the hearts and lives of his people.”
“Here is the secret of Jesus’ life and work for God: He prayerfully waited for His Father’s instructions and for the strength to follow them. Jesus had no divinely-drawn blueprint; He discerned the Father’s will day by day in a life of prayer.”
“Greater experience in profession and church brings more exacting assignments. So we find ourselves working more and enjoying it less.”
“Commitment to the will of God - the purpose for which we are designed - offers freedom to become the person we are meant to be.”
“There is no substitute for the confidence that today - in this time and place - I am obeying the will of my Father.”
“The need itself is not the call.”
“Over the years I have found that one of the greatest struggles in the Christian life is the effort to make adequate time for daily waiting on God, weekly inventory and monthly planning. Yet this is the path to escaping the tyranny of the urgent. ”
“The first step to regain control of time is to decide what activities are most important so that we can plan to give them the proper priority during a day or a week or a month. ”
“Beware the tyranny of the telephone! From time to time an urgent call brings you a request for which you have no budgeted hours.”
“The winds of other people’s demands, and our own inner compulsions, have driven us onto a reef of frustration.”
“Unlike money time comes to all of us in equal amounts. In fact, everyone has all the time there is—twenty-four hours a day. But what an astonishing variety in our use of that time and the results of our choices!
“When we stop long enough to think about it, we realize that our dilemma goes deeper than shortage of time; it is basically a problem of priorities.”
″ A competent general always draws up his battle plan before engaging the enemy; he doesn’t postpone basic decisions until the firing starts. But he is also prepared to change his plans if necessary to cope with an unexpected turn of events. So be ready to implement your plans as the day’s battle against the clock begins.”
“Things done at the wrong time may turn out to be not worth doing at all - simply a waste of time - or even harmful.”
“The basic question is what we do within the time frame granted to us - how we plan, decide, organize, evaluate, revise our tasks.”
“The pleading voice assures you of the importance of this impending task and how well-qualified you are to take it on. It may be difficult to decline, especially if it seems that the activity can be squeezed in. But no matter how clear the calendar looks, tell the person that you want to think it over. ”
“With a sense of loss we recall the important tasks that have been shunted aside. We realize that we’ve become slaves to the tyranny of the urgent. Is there any escape from this pattern of living? The answer lies in the life of our Lord.”
“Your greatest danger is letting the urgent things crowd out the important.”
“Freedom does not come by trying to produce it. Freedom in the spiritual realm comes by an absolute surrender to Jesus and living dependent upon Him.”
“Freedom is a condition in which something can fulfill the purpose for which it is designed.”
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