
waste of time Quotes

22 of the best book quotes about waste of time
Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. Ghosts are transparent.
“Things done at the wrong time may turn out to be not worth doing at all - simply a waste of time - or even harmful.”
“All of it felt like something from another time, a rightfully forgotten time, and made Mae feel that she was not only wasting her life but that this entire company was wasting life, wasting human potential and holding back the turning of the globe.”
“You cannot convince people to love you. This is an absolute rule. No one will ever give you love because you want him or her to give it. Real love moves freely in both directions. Don’t waste your time on anything else.”
“You never even hear any hints dropped on a campus that wisdom is supposed to be the goal of knowledge.”
“I planned to waste away and die, but there is a spirit of life, even in one such as myself, that stands in the way of such decisions. ”
“Expending energy trying to motivate people is largely a waste of time… if you have the right people on the bus, they will be self-motivated.”
“Stop spending so much time watching others. There is a fine line between getting inspired and shifting your entire business model to look like someone else’s.
“Accept each day just as it comes to you. Do not waste your time and energy wishing for a different set of circumstances. Instead, trust Me enough to yield to My design and purposes.”
“Thyself and thy belongings are not thine own so proper as to waste thyself upon thy virtues, they on thee.”
“Speculation was a waste of time: he must wait until there was more evidence.”
“‘Some clever children don’t discover how bright they are until after they’ve left school,’ continued Mr Holcombe, ‘and then spend the rest of their lives regretting the wasted years.‘”
“It gave an appalling idea of the value of an hour, and I thought I could never waste one again without remorse and terror.”
“So don’t waste your time saying foolish magic words. YOU ought to be saying some plain simple words!”
″‘What do you think is the biggest waste of time?’ ‘Comparing yourself to others,’ said the mole.”
“Inez thought [the Baby] must be searching for a name, since Mrs. da Souza would not give it one. Mrs. da Souza considered it a waste to name a child before knowing whether it would survive.”
“If you spend your time hoping that it doesn’t rain tomorrow, you are wasting your time. Your thoughts don’t change the rain.”
“Granted, there is a healthy kind of busyness where your life is full with things that matter, not wasted on empty leisure or trivial pursuits.”
“Erk, Yuk, or Gherkin. When I grew up and left school and left Barringa East for ever, I planned to change my name to something really elegant. It was a waste of time doing it before then.”
“I’m afraid we shall waste an awful lot of time.”
“Albert’s uncle says I ought to have put this in the preface, but I never read prefaces, and it is not much good writing things just for people to skip.”
“But what? Arguing with Ramona was a waste of time. So was appealing to her better nature. The best thing to do with Ramona, Beezus had learned, was to think up something to take the place of whatever her mind was fixed upon.”

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