
insects Quotes

14 of the best book quotes about insects
“Nothing, thought Bruno, not even the insects, would ever choose to stay at Out-With.”
“Our own growing belief that man might nevertheless learn to fly was based on the idea that while thousands of the most dissimilar body structures, such as insects, fish, reptiles, birds and mammals, were flying every day at pleasure, it was reasonable to suppose that man might also fly.”
““. . .the development of resistance to insecticides is changing the genetic factors of insects and perhaps other organisms . . . Some experts warn of subtle but far-reaching vegetational shifts”
“If Darwin were alive today the insect world would delight and astound him with its impressive verification of his theories of the survival of the fittest. Under the stress of intensive chemical spraying the weaker members of the insect populations are being weeded out. Only the strong and fit remain to defy our efforts to control them.”
“There are two things that I know for certain guys are good for: pushing swings and killing insects.”
″ I have never been a pest in my life. I am a musician. ”
“Well, James, have you ever in your life seen such a marvellous colossal Centipede as me?”
“After James Henry Trotter had been living with his aunts for three whole years there came a morning when something rather peculiar happened to him.”
″‘If the ants can do it, Nicodemus says, if the bees can do it, so can we.’ ‘Do what?’ ‘Why, live without stealing, of course. That’s the whole idea. That’s the Plan.‘”
“Insect calligraphers practicing penmanship...”
“Jubilant cicadas pouring out their fervent praise for heat and light.”
“All came and built on the lovely Hat of the Quangle Wangle Quee.”
“The first notes were low and murmuring. Again they made Griselda think of little rippling brooks in summer, and now and then there a sort of hum as of insects buzzing in the warm sunshine near. This humming gradually increased, till at last Griselda was conscience of nothing more - everything seemed to be humming, herself to, till at last she fell asleep.”
“They hadn’t travelled far when someone squawked and cursed. This was followed by uneasy laughter. Something flew past Yukin, its wings pushing it through the air like a swift arrow.”
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