
Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver
“Luke worked as an engine driver and always appeared to be dirty, despite his daily showers. The King was seen only for the holidays as he was too busy during the holidays.”
“During the holidays at exactly a quarter to twelve, the king would appear at the window and everyone would shout and throw their hats into the sky - praising him. ”
“At this time Emma (the locomotive) would whistle and everyone would get vanilla and strawberry ice cream. Mrs. Whaat was very good at making ice creams so the King ordered them from her for the townspeople during the holiday celebrations when he would appear.”
“Life was peaceful on the island until one day something strange happened. One day a boat stopped at the shore and the mailman came out with a big package. ”
“He asked if Mrs. Krintuuth lived there, this shocked and surprised everyone as they knew that the mailman knew everyone on the island. He climbed up on a hill and gave the King the package.”
″ Everyone was curious so they decided to explore the island. Unfortunately, they couldn’t find Mrs. Krintuuth. The mailman said he would be back in a week to take back the package if they do not find Mrs. Krintuuth.”
“After a long meeting and discussions, the King gave permission for the package to be opened, once it was, they discovered that there was a little black boy inside. ”
“Luke was so angry with this that he said that he would beat up the person who puts a child inside a package. He yelled and the little boy started crying.”
“On a small island, Morrowland lived Luke, King Alfred, Mrs. Whaat and Mrs. Sleeve. Mrs. Whaat is the owner of the local store and Mrs. Sleeve supplies the store with souvenirs. ”
“The package had an address on it which mentioned the third floor of an Old Street and the number 133 of which no one ever heard of. The paper which had the address on it was a bit smudged so it was also hard to read the address. ”
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