
adventurous Quotes

15 of the best book quotes about adventurous
“So she had passed her childhood, like a half-wild cat.”
″ ‘Yo quiero frijoles-’ ‘huh?’ asked Skippito? ‘The dude just wants his beans back,’ said Poquito Tito. ‘And you are the dog for the job.’ ‘Me?’ asked Skippito.”
“The Round Table has collapsed into warring factions. Arthur and Gawain are besieging the man who used to be their closest friend, Lancelot. ”
“Some say he will come again to save us from ourselves, but how or when that is to be I do not know.”
“Sir Gawain tells his young squire the story of the rise and fall of the ‘fairest fellowship of noble knights that ever served a Christian king’, as seen through his own eyes. ”
“Slinky Malinki was blacker than black, a stalking and lurking adventurous cat.”
Karl never wants to be parted from him. But Karl is sick, and knows he’s going to die. To comfort him, Jonathan tells him stories of Nangiyala, the wonderful place he’ll be going to when he dies, and where he will wait until Jonathan is ready to join him there.
“I just feel as if it’s the right place somehow. It sounds sort of adventurous.”
“Life was peaceful on the island until one day something strange happened. One day a boat stopped at the shore and the mailman came out with a big package. ”
“I’ll make it,′ laughed Hal. But he did not go back as he had come. He took a roundabout route and walked in the middle of the street, eyes and ears alert. He got back to the hotel without incident and found his father and Roger asleep.”
“They gout out of the dangerous downdraught, but it left them only six hundred feet above the rocky bottom of the pass. In vain Terry tried to bring the plane up. So much banking and wheeling was necessary to avoid the cliffs that the little plane had no energy left for climbing.”
“Tomorrow I’ll be adventurous.”
“Like it or not, Philip Marsham is now a pirate--with only the hangman awaiting his return to England.”
“The sick man accepted the offer, and left home to live in the jungle far away - even farther than Misiones. It was very hot and this made the man feel better...He lived alone in the jungle and cooked for himself.”
“This is the type of book that’s for young adults (12-14 years old), but everybody should read it. It has wonderful moments of courage, selfless leadership, and friendship.”
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