
looking Quotes

53 of the best book quotes about looking
“Are you my mother?”
“Where is my mother?”
“Mr. Fox had not spoken for a long time. He had been sitting quite still, his eyes closed, not even hearing what the others were saying. Mrs. Fox knew that he was trying desperately to think of a way out. And now, as she looked at him, she saw him stir himself and get slowly to his feet.”
“Mr. Fox looked at the four Small Foxes and he smiled. What fine children I have, he thought. They are starving to death and haven’t had a drink for three days, but they are still undefeated. I must not let them down.”
“The small fox ran back along the tunnel as fast as he could, carrying the three plump hens. He was exploding with joy. ‘Just wait!’ he kept thinking, ‘just wait till Mummy sees these!’ He had a long way to run but he never stopped once on the way and he came bursting in upon Mrs. Fox. ‘Mummy!’ he cried, out of breath. ‘Look, Mummy, look! Wake up and see what I’ve brought you!’ Mrs. Fox, who was weaker than ever now from lack of food, opened one eye and looked at the hens. ‘I’m dreaming,’ she murmured and closed the eye again.”
“He looked up at the skies, and although they were still very dark he thought the day had probably had enough rain”
“If you simply kept your eyes open, it seemed, you just might find something valuable in the most unlikely of places. The trick was to recognize a good thing when you saw it, no matter how odd or worthless it might at first appear, no matter who else might just walk away and leave it behind.”
“I spent a long time trying to find my center until I looked closely at it one night & found it had wheels and moved easily in the slightest breeze. So now I spend less time sitting and more time sailing. ”
“Winn-Dixie looked straight at me when I said that to him, like he was feeling relieved to finally have somebody understand his situation. I nodded my head at him and went on talking.”
″‘Are you looking for a home?’ the preacher asked, real soft, to Winn-Dixie. Winn-Dixie wagged his tail. ‘Well,’ the preacher said. ‘I guess you’ve found one.‘”
“For me there is only the traveling on paths that have heart, on any path that may have heart, and the only worthwhile challenge is to traverse its full length--and there I travel looking, looking breathlessly.”
“Seek and see all the marvels around you. You will get tired of looking at yourself alone, and that fatigue will make you deaf and blind to everything else. - Don Juan”
“Fall in love with someone who tastes like adventure but looks like the calm, beautiful morning after a terrible storm”
“And then, when you look at me the way you do, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.”
“Roy found himself looking around every so often to make sure he was here. He was, all right, yet in all his imagining of how it would be when he finally hit the majors, he had not expected to feel so down in the dumps.”
“The difficulties of life do not have to be unbearable. It is the way we look at them - through faith or unbelief - that makes them seem so. We must be convinced that our Father is full of love for us and that He only permits trials to come our way for our own good.”
“Looking into another person’s eyes for an extended period of time proved to be a powerful thing. And if you don’t believe me, try it yourself.”
“She looks sad. She looks angry. She looks different from everyone else I know—she cannot put on that happy face others wear when they know they are being watched. She doesn’t put on a face for me, which makes me trust her somehow.”
“The boy looks at me. I would’ve expected his bright eyes to look dimmer in the night, but instead they seem to reflect the light coming from the windows above us. He’s amused. “Who said anything about you , sweetheart?”
“Now you’re looking for the secret... but you wont find it, because of course you’re not really looking. You don’t really want to know. You want to be fooled.”
“Now you’re looking for the secret, but you won’t find it, because of course you’re not really looking. You don’t really want to know. You want to be fooled.”
“The second act is called “The Turn”. The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you’re looking for the secret... but you won’t find it, because of course you’re not really looking. You don’t really want to know.”
“Look at me! Look at me! Look at me NOW! It is fun to have fun But you have to know how.”
“I began to listen with my eyes, and there is no way that your eyes don’t affect your judgement. The only true way to listen is with your ears and your heart.”
“Therefore, on God alone will I rely for my keeping. I will continually look to Him.”
“Sometimes what looks out at you from a person’s eyes maybe died back in childhood. What’s dead in there still looks out. It’s not just the body looking at you with nothing in it; there’s still something in there but it died and just keeps on looking and looking; it can’t stop looking.”
“He did not know what his mother looked like. He went right by her. He did not see her.”
“I’ve been looking for you God. I looked in temple. I looked in church. And today, I looked for you when I wanted to confess. But you weren’t there. I didn’t feel you at all. Not the way I do when I talked to you at night. Why God? Why do I only feel you when I’m alone?”
“Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? I see a red bird looking at me. ”
“Red Bird, Red Bird, What do you see? I see a yellow duck looking at me.”
“Children, Children, What do you see? We see a brown bear, a red bird, a yellow duck, a blue horse, a green frog, a purple cat, a white dog, a black sheep, a goldfish, and a teacher looking at us. That’s what we see. ”
“Goldfish, Goldfish, what do you see? I see a teacher looking at me.”
“Teacher, Teacher, What do you see? I see children looking at me.”
″ ‘Why, here’s my button!’ he cried. And he tried to pick it up. But like all the other buttons on the mattress, it was tied down tight. ”
“All through with the searching! All through with the looking! I had all I needed! And now for the cooking.”
“Then he looked beyond the thornbushes, out into the big dark night. Nothing could be farther than the sky.”
“I listened and looked so hard that my ears hurt and my eyes got cloudy with the cold.”
“Nobody has seen my hat. What if I never see it again? What if nobody ever finds it?”
“That night Treehorn was watching TV. As he reached over to change channels, he noticed that his hand was bright green. He looked in the mirror that was hanging over the television set. His face was green. His ears were green. His hair was green. He was green all over.
“When no one was looking he picked a few nits off the paper towel. Then he wandered over to Peter and casually fingered a lock of his hair. ‘Mum!’ squealed Peter, ‘Henry’s pulling my hair!‘. ‘Stop it, Henry,’ said Dad. ‘I wasn’t pulling his hair,’ said Henry indignantly. ‘I just wanted to see how clean it was. And it is so lovely and clean,’ added Henry sweetly. ‘I wis my hair was as clean as Peter’s.’ Peter beamed. It wasn’t often that Henry said anything nice to him.
“P.S. Detective McSmogg is working on a new case. He is now looking for Miss Viola Swamp.”
“They searched among the pews, looking under the seats, lifting hassocks, moving piles of hymn-books, creeping about and popping up in unexpected places. Reverend Timms did find something, but it was not Sarah-Ann. It was a lady’s glove.”
“He looked into the water and saw that it was made up of a thousand thousand thousand and one different currents, each one a different colour, weaving in and out of one another like a liquid tapestry of breathtaking complexity;...”
“Lara found it difficult to know just what to say. Here they were in the hot sun on the verandah of the school principal’s house - her long-lost father, this tall angular man with his piercing blue eyes, and her beloved teacher. Both of them standing and looking at her and expecting a reply of some kind. But she could only stare dumbly at this total stranger, who was nevertheless her only family now. Her father.”
″ ‘I will look for her until I find,’ said Mr. Bird. He looked high. He looked low. He looked everywhere for Mrs. Bird.”
“Against the black sky climbed a brilliant, flaming rocket. It was a ship’s danger flare. Little Toot looked hard and saw a ship jammed between two huge rocks. It was an ocean liner his father had towed many times down the river.”
“The next day is Monday. The others are playing soccer again. Alfie doesn’t feel like it. He goes off by himself, looking for the little boy.”
“And NOW Alfie can sleep, too. Shhh….Quiet! It looks as if he’s sleeping. Yes, look! Now he’s sleeping. Good night, Alfie Atkins!”
“Just as he was looking to see if he had anything left to eat, something hit him on the head. It was a tangerine. He had been sleeping right under a tree full of big, fat tangerines.”
“The diamond ring was very, very sparkly indeed. My little sister turned it and turned it, and lots of shiny lights came out of it in all directions. Sometimes the lights were white and sometimes they had colours in them. My sister couldn’t stop looking at it.”
“Presently my little sister began to wonder if the ring would taste as sparkly as it looked. It was sparklier than fizzy lemonade. So of course she put the ring in her mouth, and of course it didn’t taste like lemonade at all.”
“She’ll be out there, right along of all the rest of us, a-lookin’ and a-watchin’.”

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baby birdsearchingbabymothersMother BirdlostfindingMr. Foxgetting upthinkingknowingsitting stillspeakingtrying your bestMrs. FoxThe Small Foxesstarvingbeing undefeatedsmilingchildrenfathersThe Small Foxjoydreamingrunningnever stoppingcarryingBrunoskydarknessdaysrainJoe Rantzvaluerecognitionindividualitylong timelifenightbreezeless timesittingsailingIndia Opal BuloniWinn-DixiefeelingsreliefunderstandingtalkingdogsbelongingThe Preacherhometailstravelingpathsheartworthwhilechallengefull lengthbreathlesslyDon Juanseekingeverythingmarvelsbeing tiredfatigueseeingadventuresfalling in lovethinking of someonetastemorningsstormspoetryloveromancebeing luckyrelationshipsbeing lovedLara JeanRoy Hobbsimaginationbaseballmajor leaguesexpectationsdepressingdifficultiesunbearablefailingunbelieffull of lovetrialscome our waygospelchallengesanother person's eyesperiodtimepowerfulbelievetryingrealitysadnessangryfailuredifferenceseveryonehappy facefaceface for metrustingidealbrightnessto look dimmeranythingwantfooledmagiciansecretscoursecourse of our liveswantingshowingordinaryillusionsextraordinaryhavingto have funhave to know howlovelyThe Cat In The Hatlisteningeyesjudgementearsdevotionfaithmy keepinglook to Himreligionfreedom of religionAristotle Mendozapersistencelooking for someoneseeking out peoplechildhooddeadNarratorMargaretBrown Bearto seebirdsrhythmcolorsteachersfishCorduroymattressbearcookingPeter T. HooperLittle Nutbrown Harenight skyfardarklittle girlcoldhatsTreehorntelevisionwatching televisionhandsgreenmirrorshairwandered overpaper towelHarryPetercasuallyfingered a lock of hairsquealedbrotherhoodpicked offDetective McSmoggMiss Viola Swampworkingnewsolving the casePostman PatReverend Timmsbooksdollsliftingmovingseatgloveliquid tapestrymagicalthe oceanwaterthousand of currentsdifferent colourfantasyillustrationsjuvenil fictionstandingLaraher long-lost fatherfamily relationshipslost of the motherthe hot sunMr. BirdMrs. Birdto findup higheverywheremissingLittle TootBig TootFatherrocketsshipsdangerrocksriversMondaysoccerAlfie AtkinsThe BoyaloneplayingnowsleepingquietbedtimesleepElmer Elevatorto eathungryheadstangerinestreesbigfatlightDorothydiamondsringssparklelittle sisterdirectionswonderingmouthwatchinggoing alongMollieFather (Rabbit Hill)
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