
Oh, Say Can You Say Quotes

11 of the best book quotes from Oh, Say Can You Say
Don’t say he didn’t warn you. For a truly inspired family giglefest, this is the top of the charts. make slips and back flips, and your tongue may end up in Saint Looey!”
Said a book-reading parrot named Hooey, “The words in this book are all phooey. When you join them your lips will make slips and back flips, and your tongue may end up in Saint Looey!”
“Pete Briggs pats his big pink pigs all day, (Don’t ask me why, I cannot say) Then Pete puts his patted pigs aways in his Pete Briggs’ Pink Pigs Big Pigs Pigpen.”
“If you like to eat potato chips and chew pork chops on clipper ships, I suggest that you chew a few chips and a chop at Skipper Zipp’s Clipper Ship Chip Chop Shop.”
The tongue twisters in this book will have your children laughing for hours--and that laughter just might be directed at you! Mixing genuine words with classic Seuss vocabulary, Oh Say Can You Say gets trickier with every page.
“Bed Spreaders spread spreads on beds. Bread Spreaders spread butter on breads. And that Bed Spreader better watch out how he’s spreading . . . or that Bread Spreader’s sure going to butter his bedding.”
Fritz needs Fred and Fred needs Fritz. Fritz feed Fred and Fred feeds Fritz. Fred feeds Fritz with ritzy Fred food. Fritz feeds Fred with ritzy Fritz food. And Fritz, when fed, has often said, “I’m a Fred-fed Fritz. Fred’s a Fritz-fed Fred”
“Is this fresh fish from Finney’s diner?” “Of course! There’s none fresher or finer!”
We have two ducks. One blue. One black. And when our blue duck goes “Quack-quack” our black duck quickly quack-quack back. The quacks Blue quacks make her quite a quacker but Black is a quicker quacker-backer.
As he gobbled the cakes on his plate, the greedy ape said as he ate, “The greener green grapes are the keener keen apes are to gobble green grape cakes. They’re GREAT!”
“Upon an island hard to reach, the East Beast sits upon his beach. Upon the west beach sits the West Beast. Each beach beast thinks he’s the best beast. Which beast is the best?... Well, I thought at first that the East was best and the West was worst. The I looked again from the west to the east and I like the beast on the east beach beast.”

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