“She took off Marc’s mosquito-proof armor.
She unfastened his mountain climbing equipment.
She ripped up the letters to the moon and the mean wind.
She sent the duck off to take a bath.
She took away the traps and the sticks.”
We have two ducks. One blue. One black.
And when our blue duck goes “Quack-quack”
our black duck quickly quack-quack back.
The quacks Blue quacks make her quite a quacker
but Black is a quicker quacker-backer.
“Knock, knock, knock! Says Percy: “it’s the door again! What a surprise this time. On the step there are a badger, two ducks, a hedgehog, and a whole family of mice! They all want a bed for the night.
“Outside there were two ducks. They looked very comfortable standing on one leg. ‘That’s what I should do!’ said Kipper. But he wasn’t very good. He could only...wobble.”
“Shortly thereafter, the Mallards molt, and will not be able to fly until their new feathers grow again, and Mrs. Mallard hatches eight ducklings named Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack, and Quack.”
“The story begins as two ducks (Mr. and Mrs. Mallard) fly over various potential locations in New England to start a family. Each time Mr. Mallard selects a location, Mrs. Mallard finds something wrong with it. ”