
Okilele Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from Okilele
“When the eponymous hero of this rather odd original fairy-tale is born, his parents and siblings all declare that ‘he’s no beauty,’ repeating the phrase so often that he eventually becomes known as ‘Hiznobyuti.”
“Hiznobyuti was emotionally abused by his family, especially the scene where Hiznobyuti’s father ends up locking Hiznobyuti underneath the sink by building a brick wall to trap him, which was quite upsetting.”
“It is a fun and inspirational story, yet there are poignant parts as well. The book is about the boy called Hiznobyuti who was born differently from his family because of his facial feature.”
“When Hiznobyuti was born, he was not the prettiest child in the world, since he had a long snout that clashes with his family’s short snouts.”
“One day however, Hiznobyuti ended up getting a message from the stars that he is needed elsewhere.”
“Hiznobyuti is able to do magical things like talk to the trees and travel to the stars.”
″ And Hiznobyuti decided to run away from home and go on a wild adventure with his companion Martin Clock.”
“Because of this, Hiznobyuti was ostracized by his family and he had to live underneath the kitchen sink to stay out of his family’s affairs.”
“Parents should know that there are some scary and sad moments in this book, which includes Hiznobyuti meeting up with some terrifying monsters on his journey. ”
“Retreating from his unsympathetic family, he first builds a hideout under the kitchen sink, befriending the broken-down alarm clock he finds there, and then he runs away altogether.”
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