
Old Bear Quotes

Five of the best book quotes from Old Bear
“A very long time ago, he had seen his good friend Old Bear being packed away in a box. Then he was taken up a ladder, through a trap door, and into the attic. The children were being too rough with him and he needed somewhere safe to go for a while.”
“From somewhere quite near he heard a muffled ‘Grrrrr,’ followed by, ‘Did somebody say something?’ Little Bear moved a few things aside and there, propped up against a cardboard box and covered in dust, was Old Bear.”
“The two bears leapt bravely from the hole in the ceiling. Their handkerchief parachutes opened out and they floated gently down...landing safely in the blanket.”
“That night, when all the animals were tucked in bed, Bramwell thought about the day’s adventures and looked at the others. Rabbit was dreaming exciting dreams about bouncing as high as an airplane. Duck was dreaming that he could really fly and was rescuing bears from all sorts of high places. Little Bear was dreaming of all the interesting things he had seen in the attic, and Old Bear was dreaming about the good times he would have now that he was back with his friends. ‘I knew it was going to be a special day,’ said Bramwell Brown to himself...”
“In the corner of the playroom was a little wooden airplane with a propellar that went round and round. ‘We could use this plane to get to the trap door,’ said Bramwell. ‘Rather dangerous, I know, but quite honestly I can’t bear to think of Old Bear up there for a minute longer.’ “
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