
statements Quotes

Eight of the best book quotes about statements
“Lesson learned? When people say, ‘You really, really must’ do something, it means you don’t really have to. No one ever says, ‘You really, really must deliver the baby during labor.’ When it’s true, it doesn’t need to be said.”
“Speak in statements instead of apologetic questions. No one wants to go to a doctor who says, ‘I’m going to be your surgeon? I’m here to talk to you about your procedure? I was first in my class at Johns Hopkins, so?’ Make statements, with your actions and your voice.”
“I was a little excited but mostly blorft. ‘Blorft’ is an adjective I just made up that means ‘Completely overwhelmed but proceeding as if everything is fine and reacting to the stress with the torpor of a possum.’ I have been blorft every day for the past seven years.”
“A statement is persuasive and credible either because it is directly self-evident or because it appears to be proved from other statements that are so.”
“For if anyone says that all things are true then he is making even the negation of his own claim true, so that his own statement in turn is not true . . . while if anyone says that all things are false, then he is making his own claim to be false.”
“At the start of each new day, remind yourself: ‘I am talented. I am creative. I am greatly favored by God. I am equipped. I am well able. I will see my dreams come to pass.’ Declare those statements by faith and before long, you will begin to see them in reality.”
″ I say to you that we do not seek the struggle.”
“A constitution is what you stand for. It’s the qualities that you are, that matter most to you, because you say so. It’s not merely what you think of yourself, and it has nothing to do with opinions you may have of yourself or judgments you may hold against yourself. It’s a bold, audacious statement of your core.”
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