
The Road to Camelot Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from The Road to Camelot
“Was there ever a ‘real’ King Arthur? No-one knows for sure. There have been plenty of theories about the historical background of the story, and it seems clear that the fifth or sixth centuries are probably the time frame in which a “real’ Arthur might well have existed.”
“Once he has beaten the warlords and restored peace in the country, he builds Camelot, the great city where all will know peace and prosperity.”
“As well, Arthur is given a magic sword Excalibur, by one of his Otherworldly friends, the Lady of the Lake. He also meets and marries Guinevere, the beautiful, strong-willed daughter of a neighbouring King. And for a while, all seems well.”
“Collection of stories imagining the childhoods of Merlin, Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot, Morgana, Gawain, Gareth, Iseult, Elaine, Perceval, Mordred, Nimue, and Arthur’s jesting dwarf as they progress toward their destiny in Camelot.”
“As well, he founds the Fellowship of the Round Table, where sit his companions, the greatest knights in all the world, who help him to keep Camelot safe.”
“The heroes and heroines of Arthurian legend have never ceased to fascinate us. But what were they like before they knew their destiny? How did they cope with the idea that, one day, they’d be on the road to Camelot, and immortal fame?”
“The legend is huge, and comprises many, many stories, but the basic thread si this: a young orphaned boy named Arthur, who has been brought up by a foster-father, Sir Ector, comes as a squire to his foster-brother Kay, to the court of the late King of Logres. Uther Pendragon.”
“Arthur, with Merlin at his side, spends much time in the next few years building an army of loyal and heroic young men, many of them also orphaned, and fighting back the warlords who have made his country of Logres into a wasteland.”
“Their doomed love will be part of the eventual breakdown of Camelot, and the end of the fellowship of the Round Table. But there are other reasons, too, for its end, for Arthur had dark secrets of his own.”
“Unfortunately, Lancelot, who has been brought up by the Lady of the Lake, arrives in Camelot, meets Guinevere and falls madly in love with her, and she with him.”
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