
the sea Quotes

Six of the best book quotes about the sea
’Don’t cry, ’ said Dad. ‘Across the mountains is the sea, and across the sea is the desert, and across the desert, a river, and in the river, and island.’
“Bred to the sea, he signs on with the “Rose of Devon,” a dark frigate bound for the quiet shores of Newfoundland.”
“By now the force of the storm was spent and the wind had died, but the sea was still seething and angry. The waves rolled into the bay from Samson, gathering and rearing as they neared the shore before they curled over to hurl themselves into the hissing sand.”
″‘We must set Day on his feet again at once, and tell Night that she is entirely in the right.’ No sooner said than done. The stars went back to their places, the sea reversed itself, time straightened itself out, and everything did what it ought to do;”
“The little houses, all huddled together in the village, with the smoke coming straight up out of the chimneys, the sheep on the hills, and far away, bright in the morning sun, he could see the sea.”
“The sea was so open, so welcoming. Pay her a little respect, and she would carry you anywhere you wished to go. She’d even feed you along the way and lull you to sleep with her songs at night.”
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