
anxious Quotes

Eight of the best book quotes about anxious
“The enemy wants to steal our peace and keep us stirred up, anxious, fearful, upset, and always in a stance of waiting for something terrible to happen at any minute.”
“The enemy wants to steal our peace and keep us stirred up, anxious, fearful, upset, and always in a stance of waiting for something terrible to happen at any minute.”
“In his right hand he carried a basket of cranberries to sell at the market. He was anxious to sell them quickly and bring the money back home to his parents. ”
“As the wedding party moved through the forest, brightly plumed birds darted about in the cool green shadows beneath the trees. Though anxious about her sister, Nyasha was soon filled with excitement about all there was to see.”
“Now everything was changed. She walked about with cautious, anxious steps, staring constantly at the ground, on the lookout for things that crept and crawled. Bushes were dangerous, and so were sea grass and rain water.”
“Ever since the age of five, when her parents had been killed, she had been anxious- understandably- as to what was become of her, and had looked for her fortune in every teacup, and every fireback.”
“When you get nervous and worry about how things will turn out, it actually means you care about how things are going to go.”
“She was six years old. Her mother had promised her that she should have a party. She had been looking forward to this party for weeks, and now at last the day had come. The children had been invited, six girls and four boys.”
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