
ashes Quotes

Nine of the best book quotes about ashes
“Some people will always taste like fire and leave the ones that love them tasting like ash.”
“It is night in your Seven Kingdoms now,” the red woman went on, “but soon the sun will rise again. The war continues, Davos Seaworth, and some will soon learn that even an ember in the ashes can still ignite a great blaze.”
“I can imagine that if my life had taken a certain turn, there would be the Barclays Bank, and there I would be, both of us in ashes. Do you every try to understand why people like me cannot get over the past?”
Lucas Swain is a likeable character who doesn’t have many friends and absolutely no girlfriends. He has wondered why his father left and begins to put the peices together when he becomes convinced an urn of ashes begins speaking to him.
“Mam turns toward the dead ashes in the fire and sucks at the last bit of goodness in the Woodbine butt caught between the brown thumb and the burnt middle finger.”
“Gods are born of ichor and nectar, their excellences already bursting from their fingertips. So they find their fame by proving what they can mar: destroying cities, starting wars, breeding plagues and monsters. All that smoke and savor rising so delicately from our altars. It leaves only ash behind.”
“There was nothing left in her, not really. Only ash and an abyss and the unbreakable vow she’d carved into her flesh, to the friend who had seen her for what she truly was.”
“She was the heir of ash and fire, and she would bow to no one.”
″‘If I die,’ I say as we look at the view, ‘I mean, when I die, throw my ashes in the water of the tiny beach. Then when you miss me, you can climb up here, look down, and think how awesome I was.‘”
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