
dying Quotes

100+ of the best book quotes about dying
“Now it was coming to an end, and it was like he was watching the last flicker of light wink out in the darkness of an endless tunnel.”
“Even if I’m dying, until I actually die, I am still living.”
“Time is not what you think. Dying? Not the end of everything. We think it is. But what happens on Earth is only the beginning.”
“I’m dying, Landon.”
“Nothing ever dies.”
“She hadn’t tied her scarf around her head yet this morning, and her bare scalp looked too soft, too fragile in the morning light, like a baby’s. It made Conor’s stomach hurt to see it.”
“And then she groaned, deep in her chest, her mouth still closed. It was a sound so painful, Conor could barely keep himself from putting his hands over his ears.”
″ ‘Son,’ his father said, leaning forward. ‘Stories don’t always have happy endings.’ ”
“He went over and sat next to her on the side facing the window. She ran her hand through his hair, lifting it out of his eyes, and he could see how skinny her arm was, almost like it was just bone and skin.”
“I’ve known forever she wasn’t going to make it, almost from the beginning. She said she was getting better because that’s what I wanted to hear. And I believed her. Except I didn’t.”
″ ‘You be as angry as you need to be,’ she said. ‘Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Not your grandma, not your dad, no one. And if you need to break things, then by God, you break them good and hard.’ ”
“Tears formed in my eyes and my forehead became warm, thinking about what Saidu had said. I tried not to believe that I too was dying, slowly, on my way to find safety.”
″‘The reason so many people are starving is because we’ve wrecked the planet. The Earth is dying, you know? It’s time to leave.‘”
“That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.”
“I’m afraid to live and afraid to die...”
“Do I know how a man is supposed to die? I’m still trying to find out how a man should live.”
“When that day comes, we’ll be waiting. Waiting for Charlie St. Cloud to come home to us. Until then we offer these parting words... May he live in peace.”
“Mama’s love had always been the kind that acted itself out with soup pot and sewing basket. But now that these things were taken away, the love seemed as whole as before. She sat in her chair at the window and loved us.”
“When the time comes that some of us will have to die, you will look into your heart and find the strength you need--just in time.”
“Victory was for those willing to fight and die. Intellectuals could theorize until they sucked their thumbs right off their hands, but in the real world, power still flowed from the barrel of a gun.”
“They were America’s elite fighters and the were going to die here, outnumbered by this determined rabble. Their future was setting with this sun on this day and in this place.”
“In the land of the dying, sentences go unfinished, you know how they’re going to end.”
“To die is poignantly bitter, but the idea of having to die without having lived is unbearable.”
″ Nobody says, ‘You’re dying.’ You have to fool them. They have to fool themselves. ”
“Be determined and advance. To say that dying without reaching one’s aim is to die a dog’s death is the frivolous way of sophisticates.”
″‘I think you should read it, Ruth,’ he said to her. ‘It’s what he wants you to do. Read it aloud, so he can hear you.‘”
″ I am dying, Egypt, dying. Only I here importune death awhile until Of many thousand kisses the poor last I lay upon thy lips ”
“My time on earth is ending and I’m at peace with whatever comes.”
“There are so many options for dying in this new world. [...] All roads lead to us, the Dead, and our very unglamorous immortality.”
“There are a thousand kinds of life and death across the whole metaphysical spectrum, not to mention the metaphorical. You don’t want to stay dead for the rest of your life, do you?”
“This, my darling, is the last letter I will write you. You know what the doctors have told me, you know that I am dying, and that I will not visit Black Mountain in August. And yet, I want you to know that I’m not afraid.”
“None of us wants to die. But it’s a possibility, and if you don’t accept that, it’s going to be in the back of your head the whole time, and you’re not going to be able to function. So you accept it, you realize that you’re not going to be able to talk to your family possibly ever again.”
″..we ask for no mercy or no miracles; we are strong enough to live and to die and to kill flies..”
“It occurs to me that there’s no real difference between us, the living and the dead; it’s just a matter of tense: past-dead and future-dead.”
“There was just something about her dying that I had understood but not really understood, if you know what I mean. I mean, you can know someone is dying on an intellectual level, but emotionally it hasn’t really hit you, and then when it does, that’s when you feel like shit.”
“I’m not really putting this very well. My point is this: This book contains precisely zero Important Life Lessons, or Little-Known Facts About Love, or sappy tear-jerking Moments When We Knew We Had Left Our Childhood Behind for Good, or whatever. And, unlike most books in which a girl gets cancer, there are definitely no sugary paradoxical single-sentence-paragraphs that you’re supposed to think are deep because they’re in italics. Do you know what I’m talking about? I’m talking about sentences like this: The cancer had taken her eyeballs, yet she saw the world with more clarity than ever before. Barf. Forget it. For me personally, things are in no way more meaningful because I got to know Rachel before she died. If anything, things are less meaningful. All right?”
“Crying, semi-hysterically, Mom made a number of points: •Your friend is dying •It’s just so hard to watch a child die •And it’s much harder to watch a friend’s daughter die •But the hardest is watching your son watching his friend die •You have to make your own decisions now •It’s so hard for me to let you make your own decisions •But I have to let you make your own decisions •I am so proud of you •Your friend is dying, and you have been so strong.”
“The saddest part of life lies not in the act of dying, but in the failing to truly live while we are alive.”
“Every morning when I wake up, now, I regard it as having another borrowed day.”
“You can smell it, too. Death. Dying. Decay. The sky is falling, the sky is dying, the sky is dead.”
“Nothing stands still - everything is being born, growing, dying - the very instant a thing reaches its height, it begins to decline - the law of rhythm is in constant operations.”
“A king does not abide within his tent while his men bleed and die upon the field. A king does not dine while his men go hungry, nor sleep when they stand at watch upon the wall. A king does not command his men’s loyalty through fear nor purchase it with gold; he earns their love by the sweat of his own back and the pains he endures for their sake.”
“My old friend, I am not like the seasons. I cannot go on forever. It has to finish sometime.”
“It’s not going to be easy for the Fates, making sure that everyone who’s set to die does die, but they’ll triumph in the end.”
“You’re never too young to die.”
″‘Home. He said, home.’ Bubba, he died, an that’s all I got to say bout that.”
“Simon’s my best friend, and sometime in the next year or two years, he’s going to die.”
″‘ there anyone in the class who’s not worried about getting old?’ Simon’s hand went up. ‘I’m not,’ he said. ‘Good, Simon.’ exclaimed Ms. Kidman in relief. ‘Why’s that?’ And suddenly I saw her try to stop herself, as she realized what was coming. ‘Well, I’m not going to get to old age, am I?’ replied Simon. ‘I’m going to be dead first.‘”
“Time is all you have and you may find one day that you have less than you think.”
“To die, it’s easy. But you have to struggle for life!”
“I’m going to die, he thought, just because of this Thing that has never helped us at all, something that’s just a lump of stuff, and now I’m going to die and go to the Heavens.”
“I wonder if old Torrit is right about what happens when you die. It seems a bit severe to have to die to find out. I’ve looked at the sky every night for years, and I’ve never seen any nomes up there...”
″‘Human life has sorrow;’ ‘They who meet must part;’ ‘He that is born must die;’ ‘It is foolish to count the years of a child that is gone, but a woman’s heart will indulge in follies;‘”
“I can’t make sense of it. If my weight isn’t enough to get Mom to wake up, then nothing will be. And if nothing can wake her up, then that means she’s really going to die. And if she’s really going to die, what am I supposed to do with myself? My life purpose has always been to make Mom happy, to be who she wants me to be. So without Mom, who am I supposed to be now?”
“I think you should know that I make up a lot of stuff in my head and then get sad about it. I like to sleep and I like to blog. I am going to die someday.”
“I can see some of the roses still blooming in my mother´s garden. Brown on the edges and bright in other colors, their petals drooping downward, dying just as their lives have begun. They stayed past their time, and I´ve realized that I have too”
“‘You think I don’t know what your life is like just because I ain’t living it? I know what every colored woman in this country is doing.’ ‘What’s that?’ ‘Dying., Just like me. But the difference is they dying like a stump. Me, I’m going down like one of those redwoods. I sure did live in this world.’”
“We’re mayflies lying dying floating by the millions on the very stream from which we sprung so very long ago this morning back when we were young.”
“Sometimes, I don’t know that words for things, how to write down the feeling of knowing that every dying person leaves something behind.”
″...if I die tonight I’m in a state of sin for stealing and I could go straight to hell stuffed with fish and chips but it’s Saturday and if the priests are still in the confession boxes I can clear my soul after my feed.”
“Miro pondered what she was thinking. Did she suspect that she would die before this incident was over? Has she seen through Artkin’s lies, even though he lied to skillfully?”
“It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
“It is easy in a moment like this to want to speak over this woman, to tell Tia there is nothing more we can do, to say out loud the woman is lucky that her lungs still draw breath. But I learned young, you do not speak of the dying as if they are already dead.”
“Men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, but not for love.”
“Rose’s husband died a long time ago. Now she lived with her dog. His name was John Brown.”
“So why do I feel so guilty? I don’t sleep so good at night. I keep seein’ the fire and hearin’ his screams and feelin’ so helpless. He was too young to die like that. It’s not fair. He never had a chance. Was all this done to teach us kids a lesson? Will it stop us from drinkin’ and drivin’? Maybe—a few.”
“Thursday February 12th. Lincoln’s birthday. I found my mother dyeing her hair in the bathroom tonight. This has come as complete shock to me. For thirteen and three-quarter years I have thought I had a mother with red hair, now I found out that it is really light brown. My mother asked me no to tell my father. What a state their marriage must be in!”
“I could wish him dead until he died.”
“She moved nearer, leaned her shoulder against me — and we were one, and something flowed from her into me, and I knew: this is how it must be. I knew it with every nerve, and every hair, every heartbeat, so sweet it verged on pain. And what joy to submit to this ‘must’. A piece of iron must feel such joy as it submits to the precise, inevitable law that draws it to a magnet. Or a stone, thrown up, hesitating a moment, then plunging headlong back to earth. Or a man, after the final agony, taking a last deep breath — and dying.”
“Maybe when you die time folds in on you.”
″‘Would you hold me when my time is come? I am at peace. Do not grieve.’ ‘If I grieve,’ I said, ‘it is not for you, but for myself, beloved, for how shall I endure to live without you, who are my love and my life?‘”
“He was dying, and there was nothing that anyone could do about it. But that was no excuse. He was a warrior. A king!”
“Adieu, farewell earth’s bliss, This world uncertain is; Fond are life’s lustful joys, Death proves them all but toys, None from his darts can fly. I am sick, I must die. Lord have mercy on us!”
“If, when hearing that I have been stilled at last, they stand at the door, Watching the full-starred heavens that winter sees, Will this thought rise on those who will meet my face no more, ‘He was one who had an eye for such mysteries’?”
“In Yorkshire to be old-fashioned means to be fashioned-old, not necessarily to be out of date, but I think that I am probably both. For it is rather out of date, even though I will be eighteen this February, to have had a mother who died when one was born and it is to be fashioned-old to have the misfortune to be and look like me.”
“Here love had died between me and the Army.”
“She saw her future ahead of her, bleak and unbearable and unavoidable. She dared not die, and yet she would hardly be alive, unable to marry, unable even to think about the subject herself, lest she discover the deadly secret and inadvertently let it slip; alone forever, burdened forever, guilty forever, yearning for death but forbidden to reach for it.”
“Now Lorraine can blame all the other things on me, but she was the one who picked out the Pigman’s phone number. If you ask me, I think he would have died anyway. Maybe we speeded things up a little, but you really can’t say we murdered him.”
“Assure yourselves, O King and Queen, that you daughter shall not die of this disaster. it is true, I have no power to undo entirely what my elder has done. The Princess shall indeed pierce her hand with a spindle; but, instead of dying, she shall only fall into a profound sleep, which shall last one hundred years, at the expiration of which a King’s son shall come and awake her.”
“No one else dies. If we haven’t done enough to pass your stupid tests, then we fail. The tests are over.”
“But the birds had no more interest in anything that Owl said. They only wanted to die.”
“Oh, they were so tired of their lives. To die like this was better than to live as they had been doing, going nowhere but where Owl led them, always in darkness, scraping their feet raw for a few grains.”
″‘Let us all die bravely, and at once,’ said Robin, ‘rather than go on dying slowly in this miserable way.‘”
“Thus the maid went from illness to illness until, one day, she died. Alfanhui and his master buried her in the garden with a headstone etched in vinegar saying: Selfless and Silent.”
“There are some things you never forget. Never, ever, ever shall I forget that first evening in the kitchen at Knights Farm, how wonderful it was and what it felt like to lie talking to Jonathan just as before.”
“Then Rab began to smile. Everything he had never put into words was in that smile.”
″‘Kings and princes have brought entire armies to free the princess,’ said the fairy, ‘and every last one of them died.’ ‘All I have are my will and my courage,’ said the youth.”
“Then he saw what he was looking for. Below, in one of the little clearings in the brush lay the red pony.”
“If I don’t die in a fortnight I am to live to be a shrivelled old man. I’d rather take a happy medium, and look forward to coming back before my liver is all gone, or my temper all destroyed, with lots of money to make you and the girls comfortable.”
″‘If I die,’ I say as we look at the view, ‘I mean, when I die, throw my ashes in the water of the tiny beach. Then when you miss me, you can climb up here, look down, and think how awesome I was.‘”
“Don’t worry about dying, Elsa. Worry about not living. Be brave.”
“People died because he lived. And if that was the only way to carry forward in this life, then so be it.”
“She is dying. It will not be long now. It will be much difference, mark me, whether she dies conscious or in her sleep. Wake that poor boy, and let him come and see the last; he trusts us, and we have promised him.”
Source: Chapter 14, Line 78
“For, Hester, I am a dying man. So let me make haste to take my shame upon me!”
Source: Chapter 23, Paragraph 26
“When you shall be convinced that I am so changed that it is better that I die than I may live.
Source: Chapter 27, Line 9
With the wreck of her frail body, Beth’s soul grew strong, and though she said little, those about her felt that she was ready, saw that the first pilgrim called was likewise the fittest, and waited with her on the shore, trying to see the Shining Ones coming to receive her when she crossed the river.
Source: Chapter 41, Line 5
“Whatever he may pretend, he wishes to provoke Edgar to desperation: he says he has married me on purpose to obtain power over him; and he sha’n’t obtain it—I’ll die first! I just hope, I pray, that he may forget his diabolical prudence and kill me!”
Source: Chapter 14, Paragraph 26
The single pleasure I can imagine is to die, or to see him dead!”
Source: Chapter 14, Paragraph 26
Heathcliff, if I were you, I’d go stretch myself over her grave and die like a faithful dog.
Source: Chapter 17, Paragraph 38
I’ve got your letters, and if you give me any pertness I’ll send them to your father. I presume you grew weary of the amusement and dropped it, didn’t you? Well, you dropped Linton with it into a Slough of Despond. He was in earnest: in love, really. As true as I live, he’s dying for you; breaking his heart at your fickleness: not figuratively, but actually.
Source: Chapter 22, Paragraph 23
“Last night I was on the threshold of hell. To-day, I am within sight of my heaven. I have my eyes on it: hardly three feet to sever me!”
Source: Chapter 34, Paragraph 26
He felt that if they had both not kept up appearances, but had spoken, as it is called, from the heart—that is to say, had said only just what they were thinking and feeling—they would simply have looked into each other’s faces, and Konstantin could only have said, “You’re dying, you’re dying!” and Nikolay could only have answered, “I know I’m dying, but I’m afraid, I’m afraid, I’m afraid!” And they could have said nothing more, if they had said only what was in their hearts. But life like that was impossible, and so Konstantin tried to do what he had been trying to do all his life, and never could learn to do, though, as far as he could observe, many people knew so well how to do it, and without it there was no living at all. He tried to say what he was not thinking, but he felt continually that it had a ring of falsehood, that his brother detected him in it, and was exasperated at it.
Source: Chapter 3, Paragraph 841
“I will endeavour to resign myself cheerfully to death and will indulge a hope of meeting you in another world.”
Source: Chapter 7, Paragraph 2
“Some destiny of the most horrible kind hangs over me, and I must live to fulfil it, or surely I should have died on the coffin of Henry.”
Source: Chapter 25, Paragraph 41
“Yet I would die to make her happy.”
Source: Chapter 26, Paragraph 20
“I must pursue and destroy the being to whom I gave existence; then my lot on earth will be fulfilled and I may die.”
Source: Chapter 28, Paragraph 37
“I won’t be taken, Eliza; I’ll die first! I’ll be free, or I’ll die!”
Source: Chapter 3, Paragraph 43
Everyone knew that he must inevitably die soon, that he was half dead already. Everyone wished for nothing but that he should die as soon as possible, and everyone, concealing this, gave him medicines, tried to find remedies and doctors, and deceived him and themselves and each other.
Source: Chapter 5, Paragraph 494
“I am dying, yet shall I live.”
Source: Chapter 63, Paragraph 11
“But her heart yearned with sad tenderness for all that she was to leave behind.”
Source: Chapter 24, Paragraph 24
“I can’t tell you; but, when I saw those poor creatures on the boat, you know, when you came up and I,—some had lost their mothers, and some their husbands, and some mothers cried for their little children—and when I heard about poor Prue,—oh, wasn’t that dreadful!—and a great many other times, I’ve felt that I would be glad to die, if my dying could stop all this misery. I would die for them, Tom, if I could”
Source: Chapter 24, Paragraph 30
“No, papa,” said Eva, putting it gently away, “don’t deceive yourself!—I am not any better, I know it perfectly well,—and I am going, before long. I am not nervous,—I am not low-spirited. If it were not for you, papa, and my friends, I should be perfectly happy. I want to go,—I long to go!”
Source: Chapter 24, Paragraph 41
“And promise me, dear father, that Tom shall have his freedom as soon as”—she stopped, and said, in a hesitating tone—“I am gone!”
Source: Chapter 24, Paragraph 55
“Miss Eva, she talks to me. The Lord, he sends his messenger in the soul. I must be thar, Miss Feely; for when that ar blessed child goes into the kingdom, they’ll open the door so wide, we’ll all get a look in at the glory, Miss Feely.”
Source: Chapter 26, Paragraph 134

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