
can't afford Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about can't afford
“It seems to me that if you place music (and books, probably, and films, and plays, and anything that makes you feel) at the center of your being, then you can’t afford to sort out your love life, start to think of it as the finished product.”
“Frightened by the pains yet to come, by the black misery which was about to fall upon him, by the prospect of all the physical privation and of all the moral tortures which he was to suffer, he went to get the new necklace, putting down upon the merchant’s counter thirty-six thousand francs.”
“Mariners have often told me that they consider sea gulls to be good luck and always feed them by throwing garbage overboard. I didn’t have any garbage at that early stage of my trip and couldn’t afford to spare any of my precious food for feeding birds so I had to risk misfortune and let the gulls go hungry.”
“It was all rather complicated because Mummy had said that we had to go live in the country because Daddy had lost his money in pepper; and an awful thought came to me that perhaps we wouldn’t be able to afford a license for Shadow or his dinners.”
″‘Emil, Emil! You know perfectly well I can’t afford to get you another suit.’ And once again he remembers- too late- how she works all day to put food on the table and so he can go to school.”
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