
family drama Quotes

18 of the best book quotes about family drama
“My parents have a way of ruining things like this.”
“Henry: Did the Channel part for you? Eleanor: It went flat when I told it to. I didn’t think to ask for more. How dear of you to let me out of jail.”
“I’ve snapped and plotted all my life. There’s no other way to be a king, alive and fifty all at the same time.”
“It’s going to be a jungle of a day: if I start growling now. I’ll never last.”
“My, what a greedy little trinity you are: king, king, king. Two of you must learn to live with disappointment.”
“My position is - well frankly, Philip, it’s a tangle. Once I’m dead, who’s to be king? I could draw papers ‘til my scribes drop or the ink runs out, and once I died, unless I’ve left behind me three contented sons, my lands will split three ways in civil war.”
“Well, what family doesn’t have its ups and downs?”
“For these ten years you’ve lived with everything I’ve lost and loved another woman through it all. And I’m cruel. I could peel you like a pear and God would call it justice ...”
“Well ‒ what shall we hang? The holly or each other?”
“A gripping family drama where a trio of cousins uncover a trail of lies and betrayals. Three friends relive an epic ditch day, and it goes horribly—and fatally— ...”
Then Miranda advertises for a cleaning lady who will look after and mind the children after work - and Daniel gets the job, disguised as Madame Doubtfire.
The parents are always fighting with each other and verbally bashing each other (separately) in front of the kids.
You get a better sense of how they were in their own homes but also how the children felt about the whole mess, because that’s what divorce creates, a mess.
″ Love how the last pictures escalades before the very last page. And the play on words in the middle are pretty funny.”
“After he and June had Nina and Jay, a woman appeared at June’s door while Mick was on tour—Mick fathered her son Hud, whom she leaves with June. June forgave Mick for his affair, but eventually, he left her to marry another woman.”
“She knew it was up to her to say what had to be said. To do what had to be done. When there is only you, you do not get to choose which jobs you want, you do not get to decide you are incapable of anything.”
“How were you supposed to change- in ways both big and small- when your family was always there to remind you of exactly the person you apparently signed an ironclad contract to be?”
“She knew it was up to her to say what had to be said. To do what had to be done. When there is only you, you do not get to choose which jobs you want, you do not get to decide you are incapable of anything.”
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