
threat Quotes

49 of the best book quotes about threat
“When your own life is threatened, your sense of empathy is blunted by a terrible, selfish hunger for survival.”
“When a leader of the Pack has missed his kill, he is called the Dead Wolf as long as he lives, which is not long, as a rule.”
“Many of the wolves that looked thee over when thou wast brought to the Council first are old too, and the young wolves believe, as Shere Khan has taught them, that a man-cub has no place with the Pack.”
But I knew—I’d heard Imogene Herdman telling Alice what would happen to her if she dared to volunteer: all the ordinary, everyday Herdman-things like clonking you on the head, and drawing pictures all over your homework papers, and putting worms in your coat pocket.
“There’s never a man looked me between the eyes and seen a good day a’terwards . . . ”
I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.
Threats betray the speaker by proving that he has failed to influence events in any other way. Most often they represent desperation, not intention.
“People are only mean when they’re threatened . . . and that’s what our culture does. That’s what our economy does. Even people who have jobs in our economy are threatened, because they worry about losing them. And when you get threatened, you start looking out only for yourself.”
“Summer pretended to sneeze and spit her Moon Rock into the weeds. Her body grew heavier. ‘I don’t have time to stand around talking,’ she said. ‘Let’s just say, if I were you, I wouldn’t mess around with us anymore.’ She turned and walked away hurriedly.”
“Your parents were meddlesome fools too. Mark my words, Potter. One day soon you are going to meet the same sticky end.”
“We hold on to worry because we don’t trust God. We hold on to anger because we don’t trust God. We feel threatened because we’re insecure, and we’re insecure because – surprise! – we don’t trust God. When you start practicing it, you realize: choosing to be unoffendable means actually, for real, trusting God.”
“There’s for thy labor, Montjoy. (Gives money) Go bid thy master well advise himself: If we may pass, we will; if we be hindered, We shall your tawny ground with your red blood Discolor. And so, Montjoy, fare you well. The sum of all our answer is but this: We would not seek a battle as we are, Nor, as we are, we say we will not shun it. So tell your master.”
“Without power for the group, a group larger, even, than an extended family, our success always threatened to leave others behind.”
“As I hopped up and down, hunched and raising my arms and feet to the music, I thought about being thrown in the ocean, about how difficult it would be to know that death was inevitable.”
“In politics, like religion, power lay in certainty - and that one man’s certainty always threatened another’s.”
“He kill them with they love.”
“For what you have said to shame my daughters and my good name in front of those men, I will see you dead!”
“Your evil bird blinded me!” he cried. “For that I curse you! I will see you dead! And you, Narciso, I swear to kill you!”
“I learned it without being forced by threats of punishment, because it was my own wish to be able to give expression to my thoughts.”
“What seems threatening is just the echo of the fear in my own heart.”
“howard: What’re yuh skeered of? You was a worm once! melinda: (Shocked) I wasn’t neither. howard: You was so! When the whole world was covered with water, there was nothin’ but worms and blobs of jelly. And you and your whole family was worms!”
“Such threats Vented in anger oft, are blusterers, An idle breath, forgot when sense returns.”
“When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat?”
“A warning to you both - choose to follow me or oppose me and I will kill you.”
“The regime got scared because if these opponents had reached Tehran, they would have freed those who represented a real threat to the government…”
″‘Don’t be so quick to grow up boy,’ the Brownshirt told Josef. ‘We’ll come for you soon enough.‘”
“My position is - well frankly, Philip, it’s a tangle. Once I’m dead, who’s to be king? I could draw papers ‘til my scribes drop or the ink runs out, and once I died, unless I’ve left behind me three contented sons, my lands will split three ways in civil war.”
“Medea: In point of fact, my knowledge does not amount to much.”
“To frighten a man there must be something in the cupboard, must there not?”
″... the danger which threatens human nature is not the excess, but the deficiency, of personal impulses and preferences.”
“I stand here atop Gotham’s beautiful twin towers, with two bombs capable of making them rubble. You have twenty minutes to save them...The price is five million dollars. I would have made it two--but I’ve got bills to pay...”
“Alone she was nothing. Worse. An obstacle.”
“When you get to hell, John, tell them Daisy sent you.”
“Anybody opens their mouth, gonna get a bullet. Anybody moves a little weird, little sudden, gonna get a bullet. Not a warning. Not a question. A bullet.”
“Say adios to your huevos.”
The people of ‘The Tree’ see a new threat on the horizon but wait what are they in reality, friend or foe?This is revealed to Toby as he observes and then later lives the fragile life of the ‘Grass’.But even as Toby begins a new life and leaves the tree and his grief behind something Elisha had said naggs at him:You have only one life Toby
″‘You’ll be sorry,’ I say, ‘when you come back and find my bones being picked clean by vultures.‘”
″‘It’s all your fault,’ I say quietly. ‘I’ve been abandoned. Almost missed out on my holiday. Risked my life. It’s all your fault- and you’re going to pay.‘”
“New Year’s resolutions were not things to be taken lightly. It seemed to Joel that a New Year’s resolution unkept might turn out to be a New Year’s threat. Time was up at midnight. The sands of time had run out.”
“And then I couldn’t hear them anymore. I uncocked the pistol and put it back in my pocket, first wrapping it in my handkerchief to keep it clean. I drank a little water from the bottle and switched on the flashlight. It had a strong beam. I switched it off again. I would need it at night and mustn’t waste the batteries.”
“You might live here at Penbrook Park, and you might share lessons with my daughters, but you are nothing... and that is all you will ever be. Don’t you ever, ever make the mistake of thinking you are as good as the rest of us.”
“You might live here at Penbrook Park, and you might share lessons with my daughters, but you are nothing... and that is all you will ever be. Don’t you ever, ever make the mistake of thinking you are as good as the rest of us.”
“You might live here at Penbrook Park, and you might share lessons with my daughters, but you are nothing... and that is all you will ever be. Don’t you ever, ever make the mistake of thinking you are as good as the rest of us.”
“As a squire, your first duty is to your knight’s armor. Your knight’s armor is more important than your own life. If you damage or mislay a single piece of your knight’s armor, I will personally damage or mislay a piece of you. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart.”
“There are too many other inexplicable things around us--horrors, threats, mysteries that draw you in and then inevitably disenchant you. Back to the predictable and humdrum. The prince is never going to come, everybody knows that; and maybe Sleeping Beauty’s dead.”
“Even in those days she’d held herself poised for immediate flight; she had always been ready to take off the minute she happened to feel like it (“Don’t talk to me that way, Frank, or I’m leaving. I mean it”) or the minute anything went wrong.”
“She knew she was a comfort, and docile, because she’d heard her mother say so. And the others knew she was, too, by now, because ever since that day Katharine would keep boasting about what a comfort she was, and how docile, until Jane declared she would utter a piercing shriek and fall over dead if she heard another word about it.”
“Be quiet, pig, or I’ll tell the elephant to eat you!”
“When you will marry me Ethel he uttered you must be my wife it has come to that I love you so intensely that if you say no I shall perforce dash my body to the brink of yon muddy river he panted wildly.”

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