
feeling sorry Quotes

Nine of the best book quotes about feeling sorry
And Mama was. Mama was so upset that she couldn’t even look at Jamela. She just looked at the dirty, torn material and said sadly. “What am I going to wear for the wedding?” Everyone felt sorry for Mama and cross with Jamela. Even Jamela was cross with Jamela. She hadn’t meant to ruin Mom’s material. It just happened.
″‘You’ll be sorry,’ I say, ‘when you come back and find my bones being picked clean by vultures.‘”
″‘I’m sorry, Shiloh,’ I whisper, over and over, both hands on him so’s he won’t try to get up. The blood’s just pouring from a rip in his ear.”
“They became the closest possible friends. They told each other about their lives, their ambitions. They shared their deepest secrets with each other. The whale was very curious about life on land and was very sorry that he could never experience it. Amos was fascinated by the whale’s accounts of what went on deep under the sea.”
″‘I’m sorry,’ sighed Mrs. Giraffe. ‘But I don’t have wings like you.‘”
“Kipper put the blanket back in his basket. He found his rabbit. ‘Sorry Rabbit,’ he said. He found his bone and his ball. ‘I like my basket just the way it is,’ yawned Kipper. He climbed in and pulled the blanket over his head.”
“But when he approached the tortoise, he saw that it was already badly hurt and that his head was almost separated from its neck. In spite of how hungry he was, the man felt sorry for the poor tortoise, so he dragged it with a rope to the place where he had built his palm-leaf shelter.”
″ ‘Cuckoo,’ she said reproachfully, ‘I didn’t think you were so hardhearted. I have been so unhappy about you, and I was so pleased to hear your voice again, for I thought I had killed you, or hurt you very badly; and I didn’t mean to hurt you, cuckoo. I was sorry the moment I had done it, dreadfully sorry. Dear cuckoo, won’t you forgive me?’ ”
“Are you slowwitted? I’m so sorry for you. It’s terrible to be dull and stupid.”
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